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[专八人文知识考前模拟试题一]本文是由外语专业教学与测试研究中心根据新版考试大纲和05年真题而出的人文知识模拟试题。Which one of the four is NOT correct?A) English-speaking countries are UK,...+阅读

1 _____is a fork legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it is a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.

A Beowulf

B sir Gawain

C the Canterbury tale

D king Arthur and his knights

2 The father of English poetry, the author of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of ____.

A Romeo and Juliet

B the faerie queen

C Tamburlainc

D the Canterbury tales

3 The group of Shakespeare plays known as “romance”or “reconciliation plays” is ______.

A merchant of Venice, as you like it

B the tempest, pericles, the winter’s tale

C Romeo and Juliet, antonym and Cleopatra

4 Which of the following are regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies?

A Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, King Lear

B Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, Macbeth

C hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

D Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth, Timon of Athens

5 Which of the following is not the work of Francis bacon?

A advancement of learning

B new instrument

C songs of innocence

D essays

6 At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics by Samuel Johnson, ____is the founder of metaphysical poetry.

A Ben Johnson

B john Milton

C john Bunyan

D john Donne

7 Daniel Defoe is a famous____.

A poet

B novelist

C playwright

D essayist

8 “He has a servant called Friday.” “he”in the quoted sentence is a character in______.

A Henry fielding’s tom jones

B john Bunyan’ the pilgrim’s progress

C Richard brinsley Sheridan’s the school for scandal

D Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

9 Guiiliver’ trel was written by____.

A Daniel Defoe

B Charles dickens

C Jonathan swift

10 William Wordsworth is generally known as a ____poet.

A romantic

B realistic

C naturalistic

D neo-classic

D Joseph Addison


解答 A Beowulf是Anglo-Saxon时代留下的重要的古英语文学作品,它被认为是英国的民族史诗。

sir Gawain and the green knight,king Arthur and his knights of the round table是中古英语时期的浪漫传奇。the Canterbury tale是英国大诗人乔叟的一部诗体短篇小说集。

解答 D 乔叟被誉为英国诗歌之父,Troilus and Criseyde是他的重要作品之一。

解答 D 1608-1612被认为是莎翁的浪漫剧创作时期,包括四部浪漫剧和解剧the tempest, pericles, the winter’s tale,Cymbeline 。 merchant of Venice, as you like it,twelfth night,the merry wives of Windsor为莎翁的喜剧,Romeo and Juliet, antonym and Cleopatra为悲剧。

解答 C莎翁最杰出的四大悲剧为hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth。

解答 C songs of innocence是英国18世纪末19世纪初浪漫主义诗人William Blake的著作。

解答 D john Donne是17世纪玄学派诗人的重要代表人物,Ben Johnson是莎翁同时代的剧作家,john Milton,john Bunyan虽都是17世纪作家,但作品风格与玄学派大相径庭。

解答 B Daniel Defoe创作的鲁宾逊漂流记为他赢得了英国小说之父的称号。

解答 D Daniel Defoe创作的鲁宾逊漂流记中的主人公Robinson Crusoe有个同伴和仆人叫Friday。

解答 C Guiiliver’ trel是Jonathan swift一部极具魅力的儿童故事,同时包含深刻的思想内容。

解答 A William Wordsworth为英国浪漫派诗人。


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