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[专八人文知识考前模拟试题一]本文是由外语专业教学与测试研究中心根据新版考试大纲和05年真题而出的人文知识模拟试题。Which one of the four is NOT correct?A) English-speaking countries are UK,...+阅读

__1__Who ever said the most famous word “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains?”

A John Locke

B Montesquieu

C Rousseau

D Voltaire

__2__Who ever said that “Lost time is never found again” and “God helps those who help themselves” ?

A John Locke

B Voltaire

C Montesquieu

D Benjamin Franklin

__3__ __ is not a nationally observed holiday of America?

A Easter Sunday

B Veteran’s Day

C Independence Day

D Christmas

__4__On Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is held at __ in Washington D.C.

A the Lincoln Memorial

B the Washington Monument

C the White House Lawn

D the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

__5__The theme of Thanksgiving has

always been ___.

A friendship and happiness

B peace and plenty

C cooperation and rich award

D love and happiness

__6__How many seats does the House of Representatives he?

A 635

B 120

C 435

D 351

__7__The Four Freedoms were declared by__.

A Kennedy

B Johnson

C Richard Nixon D Franklin

D. Roosevelt

__8__The main purpose of Ku Klux Klan is__.

A persecuting blacks

B killing politicians

C kidnapping foreigners

D murdering millionaires

__9__The Head of the Representatives is called__.

A Chancellor

B Speaker

C Chairman

D Leader

__10__ When did Christopher Columbus land on one of the Bahama Islands?

A 1492

B 1493

C 1498

D 1502


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