

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. The longest river in Britain is ___?

A Severn

B Tees

C Thames

D Clyde

2.The British Isles is made up of ___?

A Three large islands and hundreds of small ones

B Two large islands and hundreds of small ones

C Three large islands and dozens of small ones

D Two large islands and dozens of small ones

3.In ___ the Romans conquered Greece.

A 146 B.C

B 1200 B.C

C 700 B.C

D the 5th century

4. Which work described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?

A Antigone

B Odyssey

C Iliad

D Oedipus the king

5. There are three political divisions ___ on the island of Great Britain.

A England, Scotland, and Ireland

B England, Scotland, and Wale


C England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

D Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland

6.The Tower of London, located in the centre of London, was built by___.

A King Harold

B William the Conqueror

C Robin Hood

D Oliver Cromwell

7.St. Paul’s Cathedral is in ___.

A Liverpool

B London

C Glasgow

D Birmingham

8.The largest lake in Britain is ___?

A Ullswater

B Loch Lomond

C Windermere

D The Lough Neagh

9.Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C?

A Roman Culture

B Greek Culture

C Chinese Culture

D Egyptian Culture

10.The founder of scientific mathematics is ___.

A Aristotle

B Heracleitus

C Socrates

D Pythagoras




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