

11月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语语法教学Unit Grammar 教学课后反思]本课主要要求学生能掌握why的问句形式,并能对学过的wh问句做一个回顾和巩固。 课上我先带学生提取灰姑娘故事中的两个why句型,并通过朗读,观察,鼓励学生发现规则。并及时进行了...+阅读

1. if you jerry brown until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange.

a. shouldn't contact b. weren't to contact c. didn't contact d. hadn't contacted

2. scientists thinkhelps some trees to conserve water in the winter.

a. when losing lees b. lees are lost c. that losing lees d. the lees losing

3. he never hesitates to make criticisms are considered helpful to others.

a. so, that b. so, as c. such, that d. such, as

4.stereophonic phonograph records, two recordings are made of the same musical performance.

a. creates b. created c. the creating of d. to create

5. we'd rather you the account tomorrow.

a. settled b. settle c. would settle d. will settle源:考试大


9. moreover, in the modern age human beings, depend so much on machines, francis chichester had given men throughout the world new pride.

a. when b. whet

her c. more d. ever

10. we he finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

a. for now b. since that c. now that d. by now

11. it be realized that football, in its modern form, was anized and given rules in britain.

a. has to, initially b. should, firstly c. must, first d. ought to, initial

12. he made a long speech his ignorance of the subject.

a. only showing b. only showed c. only to show d. only as to show

13. the mere fact most people believe nuclear wars would be madness doesn't mean that it will not occur.

a. what b. which c. that d. why

14. britain's press is unusual it is pided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press.

a. in how b. in what c. in which d. in that

15. don't get your schedule; stay with us in this class.

a. to change b. changing c. changed d. change




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