

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[他宁肯让妻子失望也不愿犯错英语翻译六种]He would rather let his wife down than do wrong .He prferred to let his wife down rather than do wrong .He preferred to let his wife down to do wrong .Hpreffere...+阅读


you must look after(take care of ) you sister


we can listen to music OUTSIDE THE HALLWAYS

Where can we listen to music?


Uncle wang does housework on weekend

Does uncle Wang do housework on weekend?


you can't turn on the radio

Don“t turn on the radio。

先翻译 然后改为一般疑问句 然后做肯定与否定回答

1.他不得不起早He has to get up early。

Does he have to get up early?

Yes,he does/No,he doesn”t。


She brushes her teeth at 7:00 every day。


My father can play the piano。


We must listen to music in the music hall,


英语一共有几级楼主你好: 大学英语专业的一般需要考专业四级和专业八级两个级别(TEM-4,TEM8); 大学非英语专业的需要通常需要考的是大学英语四六级考试,包含四级和六级两个级别(CET-4,CET-6): 大学...

谁知道中考英语听力下载地址啊中国最大教学资源网哦 以下几个英语学习网站上都有许多免费的mp3和视频,你可以自己选择一下: 1. (24小时学习网) 2. (英文荟萃)(内含口语8000句)3.英语听力资源汇总 4. (英语听力mp...

英语十大重要性英语的重要性的英文翻译是The importance of English.importance的英式读法是[ɪm'pɔːtns];美式读法是[ɪm'pɔːrtns]。单词直接源自中世纪拉丁语的importantia,意为重要,重...

请问学习英语最重要的事什么英语: 一、严肃对待课本规定的内部实质意义,大略掌握基本的语法知识、单词。 二、课下完成作业后,挑选一套英语灌音带来听,它应当是让你在随心中就能轻松听下去的灌音带,它不会给...

英语最重要的是什么1,学习不要中断,哪怕每天挤出10分钟也是可以的,早晨则是大好时机,不要浪废。 2,学厌了可变换一下学习方式。 3,不要脱离上下文孤立地死记硬背单词,最好是通过阅读学词汇。 4,随时记...

针对英语的重要性谈谈你的看法。80个单词左右English is the most widely used language in the world. Dozens of countries use English as the official language. In this world more than 400 million people use...

为什么英语那么重要我们都知道英语是一门重要的课程,而且我们每个人都想把它学好。那么,如何学好英语呢?有什么方法呢?我认为—— 首先,要听、说先行。 英语是一种语言,学习它的最好方法就是不断地运...

英语句型转换题have not finished time 2. don't ....any more 3. look up 1 extit 2 pushing 3 prevent 4 no 5matches 1. have not finished time 2. don't ....any more 3. look up 1ex...

带解析的英语句型转换题1. Tom is shorter than Jim. / Tom isn't as tall as Jim. 2. A and B are the same. / A is similar to B. 3. The boy works harder than any other boy in his class. 4...
