

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[7年级下册暑假作业]A:hi,Jim.can I help you B:Yes,please.16( Is your phone number 789-8988 ) A:Yes,It's 789_8988 问题补充:B:Thank you!I called you yesterday,but you were out17(Where...+阅读

M:Can I help you, Madam? W:Yes, I want some commodities. M: Could you please make a list for those and I will show you where to find them? W:Well, I need soda, soap, towels, bedsheet,bedlamps and a hair drier. M:Let me see. You can go upstairs to buy the electrical products and as for beddings, thier are just over there. W: so what about soda and soap? M: They are in the first floor, just go downstairs. W: Thank you. You help me a lot.


Ⅰ1.visited 2.started 3.watched 4.travelled 5.played 6.studied Ⅱ was born were wactch listen watched visited went Ⅲ1.Jaskson didn't like playing chess when he was young. 2.Bruce didn't walk to school yesterday 3.Did the boys destroy the toys a moment ago? Yes,they did./No,they didn't. 4.Did Tony's mother watch TV last night? Yes,she did./No,she,didn't. 不知道你和我的版本是不是一样的【我是浙江教育出版社的】,一般应该都是这个 如果LZ你和我是同一版本的话那就OK了,我这个是正确答案 坑了好久才从N多个箱子里翻出来的啊,严禁盗版!!!!!!! 希望能采纳【这好歹也是我的辛苦劳动成果啊】

七下英语作业本2 Module 10 Unit 3初一水平

Last weekend was my happiest weekend because my father brought me to the theme park. We departed at nine in the morning and reached there about half past ten. It was very crowded during the weekends. First of all i ride the merry-go-round, which was my favourite ride. I love the pony on the merry-go-round because they are very pretty and make me feel like a princess. Then i went and ride the ferris wheel and boat paddling. We went to KFC for lunch and i ate 3 pieces of chicken because i was very hungry after all the playing. On the way home, my dad bought me an ice cream. I had a lot of fun because i had a happy time with my daddy. 上周末是我最开心的周末因为我爸爸带我去游乐公园。我们九点上午出发,十点半抵达目的地。首先我去玩旋转木马因为那个是我最喜欢的游戏。我喜欢旋转木马因为那些马很漂亮,骑着她令我觉得自己好像公主。



浙教版数学作业本七年级下55.1(3) 1.①错 (2X)三次方=8X三次方 ②错 (ab)四次方=a四次方b四次方 ③错 (2a五次方)二次方=4a十次方 ④错 (-m二次方)三次方=-m六次方 2.①16X四次方 ②X三次方Y六次方 ③4*10十次...

浙教版数学七年级下作业本1第七章复习题第十题(1)∠I=90+1/2 ∠A ∠I= 180- 1/2(∠ABC +∠ACB) =180- 1/2(180-∠A) =90+1/2 ∠A ∠O=1/2∠A ∠O= ∠OC? - ∠OBC=1/2( ∠AC? - ∠ABC) =1/2 ∠A ∠P=90- 1/2∠A ∠P=180- 1/2( ∠...

数学八年级下暑假作业第一题(1)设甲购进价x,乙为y,设出分式方程组:1.3600/x + 3600/y=750,2.4800/x +2400/y=700; 解这个方程组,得x=12,y=8,卖出价就是14.4和10元; (2)尽量多买乙,花4800买600个乙,剩余买甲...

7年级下英语12单元单词rule 规则 hallway 走廊;过道 classroom 教室 fight 打架;争吵 Ms 女士 outside 外面的;在外部的 dining 进餐;吃饭 hall大厅;礼堂 have to 不得不;必须 else 其他的;别的;另外的 sp...

八年级下英语作业本2第8至9页一:was cooking ,was washing ,was sweeping ,left ,was playing ,saw ,was selling ,found ,was cooking ,rang 二:when ,when ,while ,while ,while ,while 三:1:Marica and...

七年级下科学作业本1.0 23.5n 0 23.5s 南北回归线 2.不一样 太阳高度夏天正午高,因为夏天影子短,而冬天太阳高度低影子就变长了 不一样 夏天昼长夜短,冬天夜长昼短 3.c 4.d 5.昼长夜短 等长 夜长...

七年级下科学作业本a第六节 眼和视觉1 1、厚 光斑 汇聚 焦点 焦距 2、平行 光路可逆 平行 3、薄 发散 4、C 5、凸透镜 凹透镜 凹透镜 凸透镜 6、D 7、略 8、B 第六节 眼和视觉2 1、C 2、A 3、D...

八年级英语暑假作业1.get prize 2. the trumpet 3.joking 4.A和C一样啊 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.convenient,我不知道这儿填哪个,这个也有适宜的意思 11.rhythm 12.less 13.fall 14.simple 15.le...

初二下暑期数学作业本 如图所示 设BD=K 则AB=AD=(根号2)K/2 ∴S1=K^2/4 又∵S2=0.5K^2 ∴S1:S2=K^2/4:0.5K^2=1:2 谢谢采纳~~...
