

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[美容院专用英语]我在小区内开了一家美容养生馆,由于小区为高档社区,基本60%为老外,为了方便沟通,希望能够找寻一些关于美容方面的专业词语以及简单的语言沟通,方便快捷一些的。 Compound in open...+阅读

1.What is the weather like today? It's fine. 2.Excuse me,can you tell me how to get to the cinema? Go along this street.You won't miss it. 3.Hello,is there Mr.Lee? Yes,speaking. 4.Where are Mike and Tom? Sorry,i don't know.I haven't seen then for weeks. 5.Would you like to come to our Christmas party? I'd love to.What time?


不要着急最好的总会在不经意间出现用英语怎么说不要着急,最好的总会在不经意间出现,英语是:Don't worry, the best will always inadvertently show up.详细解释:inadvertently 英[ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli] 美[ˌɪnədˈvɜ:rt...

怎么才可以认真的上英语首先,我们要明白 学习英语绝不是看一部动画片,不是一蹴而就的事。要想不下一番苦功夫、不费一点力气就能学好英语,那是绝对办不到的。因此,我们学习英语时,一定要有信心,要有耐心,...

孩子上幼儿园中班想开始学英语学龄前儿童如何迅速进入英语学龄前初学儿童迅速进入英语学习殿堂者-- 一,飞,冲,聪,少,儿英语 E-FLYERS 1冲聪一级 ◆ 针对4-5岁没有英语基础的“真正”学龄前初学儿童迅速进入英语学习殿堂者。 u 教材共有12...


英语课对于基础差的学生要怎么上英语基础不好的关键在于自己的不自信和没毅力,楼主一定要克服这个障碍!下面是我的一点建议,希望不要嫌我罗嗦哦O(∩_∩)O~ 首先掌握音标是打开学习英语大门的基础钥匙,就像汉语拼...

英语幽默小对话两人对话不要太长也不要太短一人4到5句即可I Wasn't Asleep When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might...

初中英语对话最好不要太难搞笑点的Three little pigs 三只小猪 There lived a mother pig. 那住着一个猪妈妈。 She had three piglets. 她有三只猪宝宝 mother pig:Yuyu!Lulu!Gugu! piglets:Here. 在这. The...

急需一个英语对话幽默些不要太长!适于初二!Questions Son:Dad,does father know more than his son? Dad:Quite right. Son:Who invented vapous machine? Dad:Watt did. Son:Why didn't his father invent it? The r...

英文对话翻译A Hey! Good morning, ah! B as early as Ah! 1A-off yesterday, how? 2B, together with your friends over to watch the film also happy 3A is right Oh .... Do you re...
