

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[要一篇英语对话]A;hello today"s weather ie fine .it is a long time since we meet last time,how are you?B;fine,thankyou andyou?A;ye. what are you goning to do now?B;well.Li ming,...+阅读

I Wasn't Asleep

When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"

"I wasn't asleep," the man answered.

"Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed."

"I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car."







推荐一篇英文对话Zoe: Why have you got your shades on? It's not that sunny outside. Helen: I know, but I've got a terrible headache and my eyes hurt in the light. Zoe: Do you li...

英语口语考试二人对话麻烦帮忙编一下A:Hey!Guy,I hear (that)you want to go to a travell.B:How did you get that?A:Oh.I hear from your mother yesterday.B:Err...Ok,I really want to go out to see somet...

英语口语考试两人对话a what do you thinkof happiness? b i think that happiness is when you feel delighted and relax. a i agree. when do you think you have happiness? b when i am wit...

英语口语考试对话两人每人十句左右面试 I: Would you describe yourself as more i outward-looking or more inward-looking? C: I like being around .people and doing things with people, so outward-lo...

英语口语考试两人情景对话!急啊各位帮帮忙Topic 1 Further Education Student A :well,as you know ,we are going to leave school soon ,so,what plans do u have about your future? Student B:yeah ,we will gra...

求英语情景对话要短的A:Hello,this is David speaking.(您好,我是大卫。) B:Hello,David!This is Peter.I have two basketball tickets for tonight.(您好,大卫!我是彼得。我有两张今天晚上的篮球票。...

求三篇英语情景对话谢谢●What Are Friends For? Jane meets her old friend, Fred. J: Hi, Fred! How's everything? F: Not so good, I'm afraid. Supporting a family is becoming more and mor...

求写一片英语情景对话文章简短点A: Look at that old man. Let's help him, shall we? B: OK.He is taking too many things to take the bus. C: But we must hurry up. We will be late for school! Toda...

求一些能提高英语听力的对话短文之类的MP3提高听力首选CRI网站 或者在线的VOA广播,最近韩国TBS电台的英语频道也很不错,你就搜索一下哈,放太多网址审核会不过。呵呵。 其实提高英语听力,当然可以有多种方法,比如您是大款,...
