

01月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[哪里有英语培训较好的地方]我玩互联网比较早了。。06年的时候就注册了。。 那个时候乐知就开始做英语培训啦,都是短期的课程上过几次,因为学习太忙后面就没去了。。 结果现在要接触很多外国客户 必须要...+阅读

●What Are Friends For? Jane meets her old friend, Fred. J: Hi, Fred! How's everything? F: Not so good, I'm afraid. Supporting a family is becoming more and more difficult these days. J: What you say can't be more true. Everything is so expensive. I can hardly make ends meet myself. F: Oh, really? Do you need any money? What I have is not much, but I can loan you some. J: I'm OK. Thanks for being so thoughtful anyway. F: What are friends for? ●Nothing is perfect The computer in Dan's car is helping him reach his hotel. D: OK, computer, how do we get there? C: go one block and take a left. D: that looks easy. (He turns right.) C: Left! I said "left", you idiot!" D: Sorry! Wow, you don't have to get so angry. C: I'm sorry. I guess I'm just having a bad day. D: a bad day? You're a computer! How can you have a bad day? C: Well, I think I've got a virus. D: Ha! And I thought computers could never be wrong. ●A Weighty Problem Eve and Adam are talking. E: Do you know I've put on 5 kilos since going out with you? A: Why's that? E: You're always taking me to fancy restaurants. A: Well, you don't have to eat so much when we eat out, you know. E: But I can't resist all the delicious food. A: Besides, it's not cheap. E: I guess you're right. Maybe I should start cooking again. (Adam turns pale.) A: Uh… Let's just forget about your weight problem, OK? I don't care how fat you are. E: really?


一篇有关于人们未来在其他星球生活一天的英语作文Our life will change greatly in the future. In the future, every family will own at least one computer, with which we can shop online without going out. That is...

有幽默感用英语两种方法幽默表达方式:have a sense of humor,finding humor。 短句: 要有幽默感 Clown Around ; A good sense of humor。 十分有幽默感 Very sense of humor ; Have great sense of...

文化内涵英语怎么说文化内涵 1.Cultural connotation 2.connotation of culture 3.implicitness in culture 4.Cultural intension 管理法文化内涵 1.OEC 词语文化内涵 1.Newspaper Reading Sk...

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英语口语考试两人对话a what do you thinkof happiness? b i think that happiness is when you feel delighted and relax. a i agree. when do you think you have happiness? b when i am wit...

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英语口语考试两人情景对话!急啊各位帮帮忙Topic 1 Further Education Student A :well,as you know ,we are going to leave school soon ,so,what plans do u have about your future? Student B:yeah ,we will gra...

英语口语考试:英语话题About watching TV Mother:Oh my gosh,,why are you always watching TV when I enter your room?Don't you know you'll take the college entrance examination next mont...

英语情景对话要短的A:Hello,this is David speaking.(您好,我是大卫。) B:Hello,David!This is Peter.I have two basketball tickets for tonight.(您好,大卫!我是彼得。我有两张今天晚上的篮球票。...
