

01月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于公共场合的英语单词]场所: school学校.park公园.hospital医院.airport机场.train station火车站. bus stop汽车站.hotel旅馆.restaurant饭店.net bar网吧.Disneyland迪尼斯乐园 square广场.zoo动...+阅读

About watching TV

Mother:Oh my gosh,,why are you always watching TV when I enter your room?Don't you know you'll take the college entrance examination next month?

Lily:Do not make a fuss mom,I need some relaxation and I won't be addicted to it.

Mother:Relaxation?I'd rather you read some books or just go to bed to have a rest.

Lily:Oh,couldn't I do something irrelevant to the books?They make me really nervous.Besides,our teacher have told us that we can learn some current affairs from the news and that may be useful to the exams.

Mother:But it do take your precious time,you could have done more papers and that will be more helpful to your study.

Lily:Don't worry,mom.I can be responsible to myself.

Mother:Ok,I hope you can balance your time.Remember to sleep earlier,good night.

Lily:Thanks mom.Love you,good night!



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