

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


我只知道 有个 新东方的 晨读美文 《born to win》 -- 中文名字《生而为赢》 那个不错 网上有的,你可以搜索到 大概30篇,我就背了5篇吧,当然背得很熟练,然后6级用到了很多,作文125分,貌似作文时135的~~ the significant inscription found on an old key if i rest i will rust would be an excerllant motto for those who are afflicated with the sightest bit of idleness. 你看这一一个开头句写上老师敢给你低分吗? 呵呵 (我默写的) 而且后来我总结了,然后自己也推演,这次考研作文也用到这个句型了,关键是背活~~ 别背死了~~ hoho


Dear John,

I'm very pleased to receive your email. You asked me the meaning of rich second generation in chinese language. The following is what I think about it.

In recent years many new terms have come into use, one of which is rich second generation. It means those who were born in the 1980s and inherited millions of prosperty of their parents. At the same time, they received good education and now live a happy life. Generally speaking, some of them are indeed successful in their careers. Some are playboys and most of them are ordinary in everything.

In my opinion, people can be happy, just depending on themselves. Those who rely on others cannot get real happiness. On the contray, they will lose everthing.

I wonder if my answers suit you. please write back soon.


Wan Lin


Talking about English learning,nobody can avoid reciting.Surely enough,we have to recite lots of English words.That's the most basic thing in the language learning.But in fact,to recite some English articles will be much more effective.It can promote your power of memorization and your ability of listening.Also,article reciting can help you enlarge your vocabulary and increase your reading comprehension. Meanwhile,to recite some English articles can make you form the way of thinking in English language.



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