

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[函的特点、写作注意事项及]一、函的概念 函是不相隶属机关之间相互商洽工作、询问和答复问题,或者向有关主管部门请求批准事项时所使用的公文。函是应用写作实践中的一种常用文体。 函,从广义上讲,就是信...+阅读

That our products are of good quality and style is very attractive, original quotation is very reasonable, Compared with other manufacturers and inform, we used materials quality is best, We are not willing to sacrifice quality premise, low sales. But considering the hope and to build a lasting business relationship, we can offer basis in the original some concessions by 5% to clinch a counteroffer) profit. Also remind each other because of recent order more, to ensure timely shipment as soon as possible and offer advice to accept and order....


A firm offer should be clear,complete and final in its wording."To be clear"means that the intention and terms in the offer should clearly be described without ambiguity."To be complete"means that the offer should list the main trading terms completely,including the name of the goods,quality and specifications,quantity,packing,price,delivery,and payment.一个公司的报价应该是明确的,完整的,最后的,“明确”意味着在要约中的意图和条款应该清楚地描述不含糊。“要完成”意味着应列出主要的交易条款,包括货物的名称,质量和规格,数量,包装,价格,交货和付款。"To be final"signifies that the offeror intends,without reservation,to enter into a contract with the offeree if all the terms offered are accepted by the offeree.“将最终意味着要约人打算,毫不保留,进入与要约的合同如果所有条款被受要约人接受。



Dear Sirs: Thank you very much for your offer of October 3 ,and the samples of men's shirt. We are very satisfied with the quality, but we find your price is rather too high for our market, and that will leave us no margin of profit. Also, information indicates that the price of your products is arround 10%-15% higher than that of the market. Such being the case, we suggest you make some concessions, say 9%, on your quoted price, and we feel confident that it would help you to push the sales in our market. It will be highly appreciated if you could consider it favorably and tell us your acceptance at your earlist convenience. Yours faithfully, XXX 我真是一个个词打上去的 不容易啊




简述写作函的注意事项一、 明确发文主旨 任何一份公文都是根据工作中的实际需要来拟写的。因此,在动笔之前,首先要弄清楚发文的主旨,即发文的主题与目的,包括以下几项内容: 1、文件的中心内容是什么?比...

还盘函范文英文翻译Thanks for your quote. The bicycle's quailtiy is pretty impressive, but unfortunately we cant take this quote. We have orderd 1,000pc of the smiliar type of bic...

国际贸易实务的询盘函中文式的怎么写啊?内容要写什么wpztxzlrqf3431324437 询盘(inquiry)也i叫询价,是指交易的一f方0准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方4询问买卖该商品的有关交易条件。询盘函的内3容可涉及w:价格、规格、品质、数量、...

卖方还盘英文范文dear sirsthank you for your offer dated March 1st and we are regret to find that we can't make it as the price quotated by you.I'd like to point out that our pr...

外贸回复函的写法Dear Sir/Madam(如果知道客户名字就用名字), Thank you for your inquiry. Here are our quotations for the items you asked: A: US$XXX/(这里写单位,比如台set,捆bunch等) FOB出...

请帮忙翻译一段德语自我介绍面试急用谢谢!Hallo zusammen! Ich heiße XXX und freue mich sehr, zu diesem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen zu werden. Mein Hauptfach an der Uni ist internationales Handeln...

函的写作格式是什么公函由首部、正文和尾部三部分组成。其各部分的格式、内容和写法要求如下: (一)首部 主要包括标题、主送机关两个项目内容。 1、标题。公函的标题一般有两种形式。一种是由发文...
