

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高一关于一学期的反思总结]通过老师的悉心教导和自身的勤奋努力,我已成为一名合格的高中生。 在思想上,我有良好的道德修养。我热爱祖国,爱护公物,尊敬师长,举止文雅,言语文明,团结同学, 善于与人沟通。与同学...+阅读

In the mid-term exam, I made too many stupid mistakes.

I always English is very good, but this unconcioursly, English was wrong not wrong place many. After my reflection, I think it carefully and I read a large topic not serious relationships. It also extends to the mathematics and language.

I know about my teacher has great expectations, but I didn't do well. I feel very sorry for this. But since the mistake is correct, so I want to pass the exam, after a lot of things must study.

After all, not the final exam midterm exam, I still have a chance. The next test, I should work harder, don't let teachers, parents and students disappointed. Don't let yourself disappointed.

I hope the teacher don't lose faith in me, though I have this examination is not ideal, but I believe that our own strength. The next test, I would certainly work hard!









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