

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[儿童诗歌大全100首妈妈是棵大树]妈妈是棵大树, 我是树上小鸟, 每天,在妈妈身边, 快活得又蹦又跳。 热了,妈妈给我绿荫, 绿叶摇响催眠小调; 冷了,妈妈把我搂紧, 雪花谱出春的歌谣。 啊,妈妈, 将来不论飞到哪里, 我都不会...+阅读

Lu Yan's mother-love "the world is only good mother ... ..." Every time I Hengqi song, it reminds me of my childhood is one thing. That incident occurred in a north wind swept over the winter, when I only 6 years old. 7:00 am, I he to follow Naozhe out to buy food. I was upset to make the mother fot to give me to wear small gloves. Out of the house, I would go along with her mother in the road. Hu Hu north wind blowing in, I he been cold shrink neck, fingers numb with cold as cold as a small carrot, as if it will touch off like feet, like kitten was bitten by the same stamp on the ground were all going direct. Left for a while, I hit a few chills, Huanglong two from my nose out of the stream. A mother, distressed to say "Mom really careless, you fot to wear a glove." Speaking very quickly on her gloves down and said, "I wear it." She said, the gloves help me Put on, and I heard these words, just as there is a heat flow into my heart, "The Peas" down stream. With a body temperature of the mother put on gloves, I float to the surface of the pale face flush, I, my mother looked at with deep emotion, eyes full of gratitude. My hands gradually warm up, my mother's hand but give birth to the frostbite. Mother's love is a cold winter, warm gloves, ah motherly love, the world's great love. Teacher: Teacher Yang


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