
有没有人可以给我小学牛津英语一年级第八单元 What can I do for you

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么在初中学好英语]1. 学英语是一个长期积累的过程,在这个过程中一定要有足够的耐心,尤其是需要通过考试的时候。切忌好高骛远,一点点把基础打好了再考。 2. 英语是一个整体,虽然有听说读写的区分,...+阅读

一.Free talk:Give it to me.What day is it today?What date is it today?When's the teacher's day?What would you like as a birthday present?二.Review:1.Guess:猜单词说出意思并拼读,如,出示单词卡的背面,学生猜出单词present,拼出且说出意思为礼物。以此复习所学的四会单词。2.默写这些四会单词。3.帮学生归纳1~4单元的词组。Unit 1a football match between and next to in the corner one all go over 一场足球比赛 在 之间 紧靠 在角落 一平 越过 in front of 在前面Unit 2 public sings a lot of questions different things on the wall stay away 公共标志 许多问题 不一样的东西 在墙上 远离walk on the grass make noise no smoking no littering no parking在草地上走 制造噪音 禁止吸烟 禁止乱扔垃圾 禁止停车no cycling keep of keep quite take a walk look around?禁止骑自行车 使不接近 保持安静 散步 向四周看pick up come up to point to捡起 走进 指向Unit 3Ben's birthday go home on the 18th of October a birthday present Ben的生日 回家 在10月18日 一个生日礼物A VCD of Japanese cartoons the fifth of April take off blow out一盘日本卡通VCD 4月5日 脱下 吹灭Unit 4Sports day a running race take some photos look for a moment ago体育运动日 跑步比赛 拍照片 寻找 刚刚In my pocket just now on the ground a pair of glasses a roll of film再我口袋里 刚才 在地上 一副眼镜 一卷胶卷三.Assignment:写所归纳的词组及意思一遍。

第二课时教学目标:1. 复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断。2. 复习Unit 1~4所学句型。一.Free talk:Give it to me.What does it mean?What date is it today?When's the teacher's day?Would you like a yo-yo as a birthday present?二.Review:1. 让学生画出表格归纳字母组合的发音。【e】bread breakfast head sweater【】brother Peter sister tiger【】dear hear near year【】bear pear there where把它们牢记于脑中。

2. 完成几道题目以巩固所学内容。1.bread read ( 2. head breakfast ( 3.pear near ( )4. brother danger( ) 5.doctor tiger ( ) 6. here there ( 7. dear bear ( ) 8.pear bear ( ) 9. here hear( )3. 让学生就书中每课C,D部分的图片进行同桌问答,然后抽学生两两问答。以检查学生的巩固情况。4. 默写句型。Give it to me。 Don't give it to him。What does it mean? It means you houldn't litter。When is your birthday?My birthday's on the fifth of May.What would you like as a birthday present?I'd like some flowers.Where's your bookl?It's on the desk.It isn't there now.It was there a moment ago.They aren't there now.They were there a moment ago.三. Assignment:1. 书中 A~D的练习, B部分也以书面形式完成。

2. 让学生就所学的句型表演会话。


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