

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[哈佛硕士申城当“男园长”]这样一个社会角色,对于大多数人来说几乎等同于“异类”。 更何况,这位男园长曾经是一名拥有美国知名大学双学位的证券分析师和财经记者,同时家族中还拥有颇具规模的餐饮连锁企...+阅读

美国MBA留学,要说美国哈佛大学MBA课程,还真令人垂涎欲滴: 第一年课程: Finance I: This course examines the role of finance in supporting the functional areas of a firm, and fosters an understanding of how financial decisions themselves can create value。 Financial Reporting and Control (FRC): Recognizing that accounting is the primary channel for communicating information about the economics of a business, this course provides a broad view of how accounting contributes to an organization。

Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD): This course focuses on how managers become effective leaders by addressing the human side of enterprise。 Marketing: The objectives of this course are to demonstrate the role of marketing in the company; to explore the relationship of marketing to other functions; and to show how effective marketing builds on a thorough understanding of buyer behavior to create value for customers。 Technology and Operations Management (TOM): This course enables students to develop the skills and concepts needed to ensure the ongoing contribution of a firm's operations to its competitive position。

It helps them to understand the complex processes underlying the development and manufacture of products as well as the creation and delivery of services。 Business, Government, and the International Economy (BGIE): This course introduces tools for studying the economic environment of business to help managers understand the implications for their companies。 Strategy: The objective of this course is to help students develop the skills for formulating strategy。

It provides an understanding of: The Entrepreneurial Manager (TEM): This course addresses the issues faced by managers who wish to turn opportunity into viable organizations that create value, and empowers students to develop their own approaches, guidelines, and skills for being entrepreneurial managers。 Finance II: This course builds on the foundation developed in Finance I, focusing on three sets of managerial decisions: Leadership and Corporate Accountability (LCA): In this course, students learn about the complex responsibilities facing business leaders today。

Through cases about difficult managerial decisions, the course examines the legal, ethical, and economic responsibilities of corporate leaders。 It also teaches students about management and governance systems leaders can use to promote responsible conduct by companies and their employees, and shows how personal values can play a critical role in effective leadership。 第二年学生可以根据自己的喜好,自由选课:During the second year, students choose from an unparalleled range of elective courses to build on the basic concepts developed in the Required Curriculum。

This portion of the program enables students to integrate the functional skills learned in the first year into an understanding of the firm as a total enterprise。 Students may take any combination of courses—up to five courses per semester—and also have the opportunity to cross-register for courses in other select graduate programs。 一年级美国MBA课程的典型安排是,每周上午三节80分钟的课。每节课基本安排一个案例,一般学生准备一个案例要3—4个小时,加上课外学习小组和上课时间,每天大概要学习13一18个小时。

很多学生差不多每天要学习到凌晨一两点钟,然后睡上几小时,再爬起来去上。 8点半的课。学生们估算,至少有75%的学习任务被压缩在第一年的两个学期内;20%则留到第二年的第一个学期,到第二个学期只剩下了5%的学习任务。因此可以说,第一年要没命地学,第二年可以拼命地玩。第一年的第一个学期,对第一个进过哈佛商学院的人来讲,都是难以忘怀的。

可以说,这是一个“学而生畏”的学期。这一学期的课程都是必修课。任何人都不能弃权和例外,哪怕你是注册会计师,你也必须上会计课。刚进学院的新生对独特的案例教学法尚不熟悉,准备起来困难重重、几十页一个的案例,对于非英语圈的留学生来讲,更是蜀道青天。 因为所有的必修课几乎都必须在第一、二学期修完,所以你不能为了使学习轻松些而推迟学习任何难度大的课程。

因此,就是那些颇具天才;毕业后也做出了显赫成就的学生,在开始的几个星期,也不免要怀疑自己的能力。即使那些最优秀的学生,在第一次期中考试前的紧张也会达到极点。 对大多数去国外读MBA的同学来说,过了第一学期就可以松口气,并相信自己剩下的时间也能顺利渡过。一种成就感和乐观精神便取代了开始几个月普遍存在的不安和紧张心理。

到了美国MBA大学哈佛大学第二学期,多数学生依然埋头学习与研究,但自信心已在他们身上扎下根来。 HBS的第二年完全不同于第一年。除了一门必修课外...


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