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[六年级下册数学小升初冲刺模拟试题]小学数学第十二册期末试卷 (一) 班级 姓名 得分 一、填空。 1.四十五万六千零九十写作( ),省略 万 后面的尾数是( )万。 2.3.07平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米, 4小时12分=( )小时 3.2.5∶ 的...+阅读


听 力 部 分

一、 选出你听到的单词

1.( ) A.3616738 B.3615748 C.3615728

2.( ) A.cold B.cool C.pool

3.( ) A.date B.day C.plate

4.( ) A.foot B.food C.good

5.( ) A.beside B.behind C.below

二、 根据你听到的内容给下列图片编序号.


三、 选出与你听到的句子意思相同或相近的句子.

1.( ) A. I will he supper.

B.I am going to eat some foods at 12:00.

2.( ) A.Li Hong has a red swimsuit.

B.Li Hong put on a red swimsuit.

3.( ) A.We will take a train to Beijing.

B.We will by plane to Beijing .

4.( ) A.You don’t go to school by bus.

B.You go to school by bus.

四、 根据你听到的内容补全下面一段话.

笔 试 部 分

一、 连线题(15分)


ping-pong badminton basketball swimsuit basketball

(2)cabbage 洋葱 (3) flower 草

peas 肌肉 cloud 海滩

onions 豌豆 ocean 旗帜

skin 骨骼 grass 云

muscles 白菜 flag 海洋

bone 皮肤 beach 花

二、 选择题(15分)

1.----What’s the score,Jenny?


A. 78 and 78 B. 78 to 78 C. 78 with 78

2.Badminton,ping-pong,soccer and basketball are ______.

A. sport B. sports C. sportes

3.What sports ______ you play,Li Ming?

A.does B. do C. are

4.Can you teach_____ to play basketball?

A. I B. my C. me

5.I always wear a T-shirt,shouts and runners ______ basketball.

A. to play B. play C. playing

6.Do you he ____ runners?

A. any B. some C. a

7.You don’t he a –shirt ,I don’t he a T-shirt______.

A. too B. either C. to

8.We can buy _____ runners and a T-shirt.

A. any B. some C. a

9.Would you ______________ play ping-pong?

A.like to learn to B. like learn to C. like to learn

10.I need a T-shirt and _________ runners.

A. a B. an C.a pair of

11.Let’s ask him _____ some help.

A. to B. for C. on

12.---Do you like these runners ____ those runners?---These runners.

A. or B. and C.both A and B

13.---_______ are the swimsuit? ---Thirty dollars.

A.How many B.How much C. How often

14.You hit ping-pong ball ____ this paddle.

A. and B. with C. for

15.Where ____ you go yesterday?

A. did B. do C. are


1. will I eat at seven o’clock breakfast


2. did do you what

3. like it looks airplan an

4. much do need you exercise how

5. minutes an hour make sixty

6. quickly you run will (连诚意办疑问句)

四. 情景对话:( 15分)

A: Hello!

B: ________!

A: What do you often like to do?

B: I often like to _____.

A: _____________?

B: I went to the store.

A: What did you buy?

B: I bought some cabbage,peas and onions.

A: Why?

B: Because they are good _____us.

We eat them,we will be______.

A:Yes.You are very good.


A:_____ you go to the gym to watch a game _____ me tomorrow?

B: yes.

A: See you tomorrow!


A. for B.Will C. ping-pong D.Hello E. What did you do today F. healthy G. See you tomorrow H. Thanks

五、 阅读理解


This is a picture. It’s a class room. It’s big.In the picture,you can see a table, six chairs and a black board. You can see a boy and two girls,six books on the table. A pencil case is on a desk. Two pens and a ruler are in the pencil case. A bag is behind a chair. Two cats are on the blackboard. The boy is John.He is twelve. The girl in the hat is Lucy.She is twelve,too.The other girl is Jean. She is eleven. The two girls look the same. They are in the same class. They are good friends. Their teacher is Mr Black.He is not here.


( )1.There are ____ on the table.

A.a pencil-box B.two pens C.six books

( )2.John is _________.

A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen

( )3.Lucy and jean are_______.

A.class mates B.eleven C .twins

( )4.Mr.Black is_____.

A.in the picture B. Jean and Lucy’steacher C. Lucy’s father

( )5.There are ____ children in the picture.

A.two B. four C.three

( )6.Lucy is _______.

A.in the hat B.in the class C.at home

( )7.Lucy and Jean are ______.

A.sisters B.friends C.brother


It’s sunny on Sunday morning.There are many people in the park They are hing fun together. Some are playing games under a big tree. Some are climbing the hill . Others are rowing on the lake. John is reading a book in front of the house. Lucy is playing with a hall. Becky and Flower are singing. Kate and Ann are dancing beside the tree. 判断正误.

1. It’s windy on Sunday moring.( )

2. Many people he a good time.( )

3. John is reading a book.( )

4. Kate and Ann are dancing behind a tree.( )

5. Lucy and Flower are singing.( )

6. There are many people in the zoo.( )

7. Some people are playing games on a big tree.( )

8. Some people are rowing on the lake.( )


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