

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[“学为中心”视角下的小学英语对话课教学——课前预习]今天我执教的是PEP新教材六年级下第二单元B部分的对话课。今年任教六年级,说实话对于这套新教材还有诸多的不适应,相信我们的孩子也是如此。首先是对话的篇幅特别长,Read and w...+阅读

19. much too+形容词/副词原级 实在太...

too much+不可数名词 相当多的...

eg. It’s _______ expensive. I can’t buy it.

There’s ___________ rain this year.

20. thanks to...由于,多亏

thanks to one’s help=because of one’s help 由于某人的帮忙

thanks for one’s help 谢谢某人的帮助21. be far away from+a place/sb 远离某地

22. wear out 穿坏、穿旧、用尽 常用于被动语态。其P.P为worn

sell out 售完 卖完

23. two-month holiday=two months’ holiday 二个月的假期

24. fall asleep 入睡(进入状态)

get to sleep 入睡(还没睡着)

25. stop sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事

eg. She stopped the child from listening.

stop doing sth. 停止干某事,不再干某事

stop to do sth. 停止下来干另一件事。

26. hardly any +n. 几乎没有...

27. quite a/an+形容词+名词 一个相当...

eg. Two months is quite a long time.

a very +形容词+名词

eg. English is a very useful language.

28. be afraid of+名词 害怕...

be afraid to+动词 担心、害怕...

be afraid that+从句 恐怕...

29. so+形容词 so strong so beautiful


such beautiful pictures such nice smell

such + a/an+形容词+名词(单数)

such an interesting story

30. feel like doing 想干某事

31. be made/grown/produced


归类: 机器一类→make(制造)

盐.糖.丝绸→produce (经机器加工生产)

农作物、水果→grow (人工种出来的)

32. finish doing sth. 做完某事

be busy doing sth. 忙于干某事

go on doing sth. 继续干某事

be always doing 老是干某事

33. hope to do sth. 希望干某事

...hope that...希望某人干某事,不可用hope sb.to do sth.

34. in surprise 惊奇地(作状语)

be surprised at sb. 对某人的举动感到诧异

be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶

35. no space(room) to stand in 没有站的地方、空间

36. be angry with sb. 生某人的气

agree with sb. 同意某人的观点

with one’s help 在某人的帮助下


1.They arrived ___ London___ a cold winter night.

A.at, in B.in, on C.at, on D.in, at

2.It’s rather cold today.You’d better ___ more clothes before you go out.

A.put on B.wear C.to put on D.to wear

3.You must be very tired. Why not ___ a rest?

A.stop taking B.stop to take C.to stop taking D.to stop to take

4.___, I’ve caught up with my classmates in my English studies.

A.Under his help B.With his help C.Under the help of him D.With the help of him

5.Mother told me ____ in the sun.

A.not read B.don’t read C.read not D.not to read

6.Watching TV ___ is bad for your eyes.

A.much too B.many too C.too much D.too many

7.Those foreign visitors ___ our city the day before yesterday.

A.arrived B.reached C.reached to D.got in

8.She asked me to help her ___ her Chinese.

A.at B.with C.for D.on

9.Look ___ the words in the dictionary when you don’t know ___ they mean.

A.up, what B.up, that C.for, that D.for, what

10.One after another, three of them ___.

A.fell asleep B.got to asleep C.went to asleep D.were sleeping



Do you ______ ______drinking a glass of orange?


We he never ______ ______ Xiao Yang since he _______ school for the last time.


People started to build the Great Green Wall _______ _______ it could stop the wind from ______ the earth away.


Wei Hua ________ you ______ his brother,didn’t she?



Man-made satellites can be ___ for ___ TV and radio programmes to foreign countries.


____ to the Great Green Wall, they can grow a lot ___ cotton than before.


The students make friends ___ one another and usually ___ ___ well.


The shopkeeper said the woolen sweaters ___ your size were ____.


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