

03月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[“学为中心”视角下的小学英语对话课教学——课前预习]今天我执教的是PEP新教材六年级下第二单元B部分的对话课。今年任教六年级,说实话对于这套新教材还有诸多的不适应,相信我们的孩子也是如此。首先是对话的篇幅特别长,Read and w...+阅读


Nowadays, a large number of students do not he breakfast everyday since they would like to spend more time making up their sleep.In addition, some girls hope to keep slim by not hing breakfast.


However, at the same time, they also get some unpleasant results. For example, they feel sleepy in classes and cannot concentrate attention on their study pletely. Whats worse, over a long time, their bad conditions will result in the deterioration in quality of their study and the decrease in grade.


Therefore, hing breakfast is significant for us. For one thing, the breakfast provides 30 percent of energy we need for the whole day. As the saying goes, Make your whole years plans in spring and your days plan early in the morning. If we do not he breakfast, we would not he enough energy to deal with the matters in the whole day and the result of things we done can not run up to what we he expected. For another, hing breakfast is conducive to strengthen our creative thinking. Only in a good condition in the morning can we e up with more fresh ideals.



In order to keep fit, some teenagers ignore breakfast, they think the less they eat, the fitter they bee. It is totally wrong idea, the doctor says in the newspaper that breakfast is very important for peoples health, in the morning, people need energy, after a nights sleeping, the stomach is empty. So if not filling breakfast, peoples body will get weaker. We can eat less food in lunch and dinner, but not in breakfast. It is said that some will get fat if they dont he breakfast, because the diet is not balanced, the body takes in more than what they need. So in order to keep fit, we should he breakfast.




As people are so busy with their work, they go to work directly in the morning without eating breakfast. Some people think not hing breakfast does no influence on their body health. Some believe breakfast is important to peoples body health. In my opinion, Im convinced that we should he breakfast because it is good for our body health.


First of all, breakfast offer us the energy we need for the day. Before breakfast, our body has consumed all the energy we get from previous meal. Consequently, we need to eat some food in the morning to get enough energy and nutrient to support our body. If we dont he breakfast, then we he no enough energy to do our work efficiently.


Secondly, people who skip breakfast will get weight easily. If you dont he breakfast, then you will eat more food at noon and in the evening. Generally speaking, we dont he much excise in the evening while we eat too much food. As a result, the surplus calorie will be stored in our body and make us fat.


All in all, people should eat breakfast for the good of our health and for the good of keeping a good body shape.



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