

11月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语:口语考试范文之Teengers]Teengers are the future of our country , and I happen to meet one who left me the most unfetblememory.He is my mate when I was at school, named J. I can not sa...+阅读

‘Ads promote quantity or quality’考试大

In recent years, an increasing number of anisations he been using advertisement as one of their popular marketing promotion tool. Consequently, people bee more and more confused about the characteristic of ads. The issue of whether ads provide audiences with the quality of the merchandise or just tempt customers to purchase them has aroused wide concern in which people retain different views. Before presenting my attitude, it is essential to analyse both sides of the hot issue.考试大

Opponents point out that the aim of advertisement as a sales method is for promoting the goods. In the other words, enterprises use TV, magazines, newspapers and other kind of media to attract people’s eyes to buy in great number of what they produce. According to a latest survey piled by Marketing, ads could increase sales quantity by 15-25 per cent normally. Some people including parts of general public and a minority of authorities argue that a considerable amount of advertisements existing in our daily life trend to push more consumption instead of informing consumers the quality of goods. That is to say, ordinary people should face more challenges and risks to distinguish from goods to goods because they totally he no idea about the real trait of them. 考试大

In contrast, advocates hold strong belief that advertisement not only promotes the quantity of goods but also the quality. Furthermore, in some extent, ads are more likely to stand for the status of the very pany. The director of Unilever, an international pany, recognises that quality is always the most valuable thing, and it is the premise of surviving in this petitive business environment. Advertisement is the very tool to upgrade the brand and also boost the merchandise in quantity. The quantity of one range of goods is not the point at any time, while the sales performance of the whole product portfolio is. The figure from Economist indicates that 78 per cent of advertisement raises the degree of band successfully.

In the final analysis, both sides he reasonable foundations. As far as I am concerned, I will not hesitate to subscribe to the opinion of the latter that is advertisement promotes the quality of goods.


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