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[译林小学英语情景课话题]新沂市实验学校 田金月3A:1. Fashion Show时装秀 Unit5Look at me!2. Western Restaurant西餐厅 Unit7 Would you like a pie?3. At the Clothes Shop服装店 Unit5-74....+阅读

Story time & Song time Challenge myself(挑战自我) 1.走到一名同学或老师前,向他/她打个招呼,介 绍一下自己: Hi/Hello/ Good morning. I'm … 2.能否向老师们说明你周围的同学: This is… He's/She's… (my friend). Who s he/she? Magic eyes He s … She s … Who s he/she? Magic eyes He s … She s … Tina Bobby Bobby,who s she? Tina Bobby This is … .She s my … Tina sister. Bobby,把她说明给大家. sister 姐姐、妹妹 Tina, who s he? Tina Bobby This is Bobby. He s my brother. brother 哥哥、弟弟 Story time Mike also has a brother. Who is he? 迈克也有个兄弟。他是谁? This is Tim. He's my brother. Story time Tim This is Helen. She's my sister. Story time Helen This is my father. This is my mother. Story time 父亲;爸爸 母亲;妈妈 brother father mother Read the new words sister What's missing? Father, father, This is my father. Mother, mother, This is my mother. Sister, sister, This is my sister. Brother, brother, This is my brother. Chant This is Mike s family. Family 家庭,家人 This is Mike s family. Let s listen to him. Listen and answer How many people are there in the story?故事里有几个人? A. 4. B. 5 听故事,回答问题。

Listen and answer How many people are there in the story?故事里有几个人? A. 4. B. 5 √ 听故事,回答问题。 My family My family This is me. My family My family grandpa grandma My family My family My family My family My family My family brother father mother sister Tim Helen Show time This is my family. This is my … This is me. 如果你是Mike,请你向大家说明一下你的家人。 让我们欣赏一首歌曲 Let s remember This is my family. This is my father. This is my mother. This is my brother. This is my sister. This is me. My family My family What are their names ? A. Kim B. Jim C. Tim D. Nancy E. Helen F. Allen Retell this text(复述课文) Hello, I'm Mike. This is . This is my . And this is my . I love(爱) my father and my mother. Tim. He's my . Look, this is . She's my . She's a student.(学生) I love my brother and my sister too ! me father mother This is brother Helen sister 用一句话表达对长辈的敬爱: I love my… Homework 1.Listen and read the dialogue 5 times. 听磁带跟读5遍 2.Introduce your family to more classmates in English. 用英语向更多同学说明自己的家人 3.Try to do something for your parents/grandparents. 为长辈们做一些力所能及的小事!


练习五 班级________ 姓名________

一、 英汉互译 那个标志________________ 禁止乱扔。_______________ _ 禁止停车。________________ 禁止吃喝。______________ __ 危险!_______________ _ 禁止吸烟。____________ ____ 小心地滑。________________ 吃一些面条__________ ______ 想要进去________________ 在饭馆____________ ____ 在购物中心______________ 小心 ___________ _____ 闻闻它________________ 想要一些果汁_____________ _ 果汁店________________ 看那个标志________________

二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Do you want ___________(any) juice? 2. It _________(mean) the floor is wet. 3. You can't ___________(littering) here. 4. Is someone ____________(smoke)? 5. They are at a ___ _(shop)centre. 6. What _____(do) it mean? 7. You can't take ________(you) juice into the shop.

三、判断划线部分发音是否相同 1.word skirt( ) 2.thirty first( ) 3.term girl( ) 4.river her( ) 5.birthday teacher( )

四、翻译句子 1. 这个标志是什么意思? 它的意思是你不可以在这大声喊叫。 ________ ________this ________ mean? It ________you can't________ here. 2.这些标志是什么意思? 危险!你不可以在这儿游泳。 What ________these________ mean? ________! You ________ swim here. 3.我可以在这里吸烟吗? 不, 你不可以。 ________ I ________ here? No , ________ ________.

五、用所给单词适当形式填空 1. What _________(do)it mean? 2. It ______(mean) the floor is wet. 3. I want_______________(play)football. 4. I want__________(any) juice. 5. This sign means you can't___________(parking)the bike here. 6. He is__________(smoke) here. 7. Look at the sign. It means “No __________(litter).” 8. What _________(do) these__________(sign) mean?

六、翻译词组 该到„„的时候了_________ 感到累和饿_____________ _ 寻找___________ _____ 继续走路_________ _______ 许多________________ 在树上___________ _____ 看„„________________ Bobby的香蕉_______________ 不能吃________________ 在森林里___________ _____

七、连词成句 1. does mean it what ? ________________________________ 2. can't it here swim you means . _____________________________________ 3. see sign can that you ? ________________________________ 4. these mean signs what do ? ________________________________ 5. today so why happy are you ? ________________________________________

八、用所给单词适当形式填空 1.What ________(do)this sign mean? 2.It ________(mean)you can't eat or drink here. 3.Is someone________(smoke)? 4.The floor is wet. Be________(carefully). 5.I ________(bring)some bananas for my lunch. 6.Bobby ________(feel)tired and hungry.

九、句型转换 1.The sign means you can't eat bananas here.(划线部分提问) What ________ the sign________? 2.I'm reading a storybook. (划线部分提问) What ________ ________ ________? 3.We can put the sign in the school. (划线部分提问) ________can we put the sign? 4.I can see that sign. (改成一般疑问句) ________ ________see that sign? 5.You can park your bikes here.(改成否定句) You ________ ________your bikes here.

十、连词成句 1. dose sign mean this what ? ________________________________ 2. take shop you your can't juice into the . ________________________________________________ 3. litter means can't here you it . ________________________________________ 4. a on sign find tree they the . ________________________________________ 5. a of around see them they lot monkeys . ________________________________________________ 十一.辨音 ( ) centre smell ( ) careful wear ( ) mean idea ( ) juice noodles ( ) smoke shop ( ) floor from ( ) clean heavy ( ) danger wait ( ) bird worker ( ) nurse world ( ) outing cousin ( ) litter holiday


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