

11月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班旅游活动设计——小导游]作者: 钱蓉蓉 设计思路:国庆放假期间,我班有许多孩子都和爸爸妈妈外出游玩了。一上学孩子都迫不及待的想和老师、同伴分享自己外出游玩的经历,有的还特意拿来了自己在旅游景点...+阅读

Ability of reaction

一 Traffic accident

1.Report to the TA and Tourism Bureau

2.Call the local police station and 120 for help

3.Try my best to secure the propery of the guests

4.To help the local relevant department fo solve the matter

5.Report to the insurance pany

6.anize the other healthy guests to continue to trel and lessen effect produced by the accident

二 Robbery and stealing

1.To fight against the robber cleverly and try my best to protect the life and property of the guests

2.To report to the local police station and report to the TA

3.Help the police station and relevant department to bring back the things which had been robbed or stolen

4.Continue to trel and remove the effect produced by such happenging

三 The loss of luggage

1.To report to the TA at once

2.To let the guests recall where they had lost their luggage and help them look for

3.Report to the local security department and local police station

4.To help the relevant department to get back the luggage which had been lost

5.To report to the insurance pany

6.Continue to trel

四 The guests fight with locals

1.To persuade them not to fight at once and prevent the situation from getting worse

2.Report to the local police station

3.To help the relevant department to solve the problem

4.anize the guests to continue trelling

5.If anybody is wounded,call the ambulance to e and send them into hospital

五Quarreling between the guests

1.To persuade immediately,to keep both of them calm and prevent the situation from getting worse

2.To report to the TA

3.Contact the group leader and my colleague and get to know the reason and persuade them

4.Keep the guests who were quarreling apart

5.Continue trelling .100daoyou.

6.If anyone is injured,help them and send them into hospital at once

六 The guests who lose their ways

1.To ask the other guests where he or she could be lost and ask the group leader,my colleague to look after the other guests,I look for them

2.If possible,contact the guests directly by cell phone

3.To get in touch with the bus driver whether the guests get on the bus

4.To contact the hotel if the guests e back

5.Ask the relevant department of scenic spot for help

6.anize other guests to continue trelling

七 The guests invite you to he dinner

1.Refuse their request politely

2.Remind the guests that the place where they he dinner is safe or not

3.To get to know the purpose of the guests,then choose how to deal with it

八 Shopping

1.To take the guests to go shopping at the friendship store which he been granted by the Tourism Bureau.

2.To introduce the sample and its feature to the guests briefly

3.Remind the guests not to be overcharged

4.Remind the guests to keep the sales receipts and sealing wax so as to be shown at the customs on departure from China

5.Remind the guests the limit to the amout of Chinese currency and Chinese medicine

九 The guests ask the tour guide to get into their rooms

1.To get to know why the guests want to do so,Shall we talk on the telephone?

2.If the guests do well to do so,ask the group leader or my colleague to acpany me to get into the guests’ room

3.Do not stay in the guests’ room for long time.

十 Political problem

1.Don’t mention such things.

2.If the guests mention it,try my best to explain to them the relevant policy of our country.

3.Keep the basic principle strictly

十一 concerning the friends

1.Refuse politely Don’t be arrogant or Don’t look down on yourself.

2.Don’t mention such things.

3.Explain to the guests in accordance with

十二 Meet the foreign spys

1.Keep the secret of our country strictly

2.Report to the police station at once

3.Help the relevant department to solve the matter




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