

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求以我的未来不是梦为题的演讲稿]寻找着,寻找着…… 小时候,总是喜欢站在窗口边,仰望着缀满繁星的夜空。夜,是那么的深邃,幽静,恬美,给人一种浩瀚无边的感觉。常常,看着这美丽的景象会出了神,因为我知道,我要寻找的梦...+阅读

Is your dream fulfilled?

As we all known that almost everyone has a dream in the cockles of the heart but hardly any of us make it come true.

There are some reasons for the phenomenon.The first one is that we can't stick to work hard.The dreams in our hearts are inflated during our childhood and our youth.When we grow up,we could find that there is a gap between the dream and the reality which we can't control.The second one is that we find the dream is not the one we want to come ture when we grow up or when we begin to work.What's more,many people actually don't have dreams ever.

Everyone need have a dream no matter what it will come true or not because we can expect if we have a dream in heart.However,is your dream fulfilled? Now,let's begin to make great effort.You should know that no pains,no gains.The most important thing is that we would not leaves our work half done.Even you can't get the result you should not give up.You should understand that it will come ture oneday if you insist.

Well,give youself some confidence and be firmly under the belief that the dream will come ture in future.

Thank you!



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