

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考英语动名词的分析]动名词是英语动词的一种非谓语形式.有很多特殊句型和习惯用法.本文就其中一些常用句型作一介绍,以帮助同学们正确使用动名词。1.worth +动名词= worthy of being done 做某...+阅读


1. 不定型工to后面接原形动词


(1) Astronauts circling the Earth may get to seen sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day. (93.8)

[答案] C 动词不定型式的标志to后面应接动词原形see。

(2) Using their bills as needles, tailorbirds sew large lees together with plant fiber to forming their nests. (90.10)

[答案] D to forming应改为to form正确的不定式形式。

(3) The poetry of e.e cummings illustrates the way in which some poets bend graminastical rules as they strive to expression their insights. (91.10)

[答案] D动词不定式to后面只能接原形动词,不能接名词。

(4) The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing. (91.1)

[答案] D这是一个非常简单的动词不定式错误形式的考题。Recing应改为race,与to组成不定式。

2. 动词不定式作目的状语

解题要点 不定式结构在句中可以作多种成分,目的状语则是TOEEL常考到的形式。动词不定型式作目的状语的命题主要分布在structure (1-15题)中。


(1) A fuel is a substance used ------- light, heat .or energy .

(A) generating

(B) generates

(C) to generate

(D) it is generating

[答案] C 根据句意及结构,此句固选择动词不定式作目的状语。

(2) ------ stereophonic phonograph records, two recordings are made of the same musical performance.

(A) Creates

(B) Created

(C) The creating of

(D) To create (92.10)

[答案] D 这是典型的不定式作目的状语的句子。


(3) ------- time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a thumb.

(A) Sed

(B) Ses

(C) To se

(D) The sing (91.5)

[答案] C 此句与上面例题结构相同。不定式作目的状语,且放在句首表示强调。

3. 动名词的正确用法

解题要点 有关名词的考题并不很多,但有一个常出现的题型;介词后面的动词一定要用动名词形式,作介词的宾语。


(1) Microwe cooking can be accureately described as the first absolutely new method of prepare food since the discovery of fire (94.1)

[答案] C 介词of后面应接动名词形式,即of preparing。

(2) Most crickets he two pairs of fally developed wings, and mascular hind legs for iump. (94.1)

[答案] D 动名原形jamp位于介词for后面,故应改为动句词jamping。

(3) Because it is a healthful way to exercise derobic dancing is considered an excellent method for release tension. (93.1)

[答案] D 动名词原形release位于介词for后面,故应改为动名词releasing。

(4) The Cubist movement in art was reaction against traditional methods of portray reality. (90.5)

[答案] C 动词原形portray应改为动名词portraying即作前面介词of的宾语,自身又带宾语reality。


德语语法指导情态助动词加不定式使用情态助动词的原义 koennen: (表示主观上有能力或是被允许) Wir koennen das Ziel erreichen. 我们能达到目的。 duerfen: (表示要得到别人许可才能做某事) Darf ich Sie...

动名词的用法解析及四级真题实例分析动名词在句中起名词的作用,可以充当主语、表语、宾语(动词宾语或介词宾语)。它可以有自己的定语、宾语或状语。 1)动名词作主语 Seeing is believing. Talking mends no hole...
