

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给学校起英文名雏鹰计划英语学校]首先,不能用eyas 雏鹰这个词,不好,指没长成的鹰,没气势。 其次,trainihow也不太好,中国人看不懂,外国人也不容易明白。 然后,要表达雏鹰计划,就用EAGLE PLAN,就是培养EAGLE的PLAN,表达...+阅读

"Basic Accounting", mainly to teach students basic accounting theory and accounting methods. Accounting basic theory major targets and tasks including accounting, accounting factor, accounting functions, accounting identity, account classification, and so forth. Accounting methods include the provision of accounts and accounts, loan accounts and the accounting method applied double-entry bookkeeping, Chenzhi and audit certificate, registration books, cost, property inventory, accounting statements prepared. Have six key elements of the meaning of accounting and classification. Teaching goals: The "Basic Accounting" the study, the accounting profession students not only grasp the basic concepts of accounting, basic theory and basic skills but also to develop students found accounting problems, analysis and the ability to resolve accounting issues, and gradually enhanced awareness of accounting, the accounting profession mastering technology, the basic process of accounting practices, with the initial application of accounting language reflect the economic and business practices in the disclosure of accounting information to understand and to apply the basic capacity. "Economic Law Foundation" comprising five parts, that is the basis of law and the basic principles of economic law, the main players in the market, market management, macro-economic regulation and control law and the procedural law. The course focused on the study: company law, partnership law, contract law, industrial property law, financial law, securities law and accounting, audit, statistics, and so forth. It also includes state-owned industrial enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, individual-owned enterprises, enterprise bankruptcy law, security law, anti-unfair competition law, and product quality, advertising, management of urban real estate, financial and taxation law, the government procurement Law and economic trials such as arbitration and the economy. Teaching goals: the adoption of the comprehensive and systematic courses to learn to master the basic principles of economic law, and basic knowledge, the basic concept. Theory with practice, see relevant laws and regulations and cases combined, so that students can apply the knowledge in dealing with actual problems. "Economic Mathematics" on the function of the limit, derivative and differential, derivative applications, indefinite integral, integral, integral and infinite binary Series and the first order differential equations, and so forth. Teaching goals: Through this course, students receive calculus equation, the basic concepts, basic theory and basic computing skills, to develop students with abstract thinking ability, logical reasoning and spatial imagination, and the integrated use of the knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems. "Computer public infrastructure" main contents include: basic computer knowledge, the Windows operating system, computer network infrastructure and Internet applications, word processing software Word, Excel spreadsheets, making presentations with PowerPoint, FrontPage network industry tools such as the use of commonly used tools . "Database" on the Access database software system and the basic concept of how to use. Include: the basic knowledge of database systems, the establishment of the steps relational database, the database of basic operations, database wizard applications, databases and database objects as well as the creation of the management and maintenance of the light of actual conditions on the use of the Access to create a small database process. "Legal basis" by the three-part. Part I: Introduction to the basic theory, the origin of law, the nature and role of the second part: the Constitution, administrative law, civil law, intellectual property law, the Marriage Law and inheritance laws, economic laws, labor law and social security law, the environment and protection of natural resources law, criminal law, procedural law. Part III: international law, private international law and the World Trade Organization's fundamental principles, the scope of application and the main norms.



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