
英语律动happy happy和手指一家

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语六级成绩查询]问下和你一起考的 同考场的同学吧 你的准考证号就最后一两位和他们不同 希望帮到你 ! 如果你能问到与你同考场的人的话,请从E开始看. 共15位. A.前6位是地区号.(可以问与你同一...+阅读

Happy happy , 哈哈哈

Sad , sad , 呜呜呜

Angry angry , 跺脚*3

Shy . shy , 嗯嗯嗯

one finger ,one finger turn turn turn,turn to a naile ,ding-ding-ding;

two fingers two fingers,turn turn turn,turn to a rabbit ,jump-jump-jump; three fingers three fingers turn turn turn,turn to a fork,cha-cha-cha;

four fingers four fingers turn turn turn,turn to a cat,miao-miao-miao;

five fingers five fingers turn turn turn,turn to a tiger,roar-roar-roar;

six fingers six fingers turn turn turn,turn to a telephone,hello-hello-hello; seven fingers seven fingers turn turn turn,turn to a mouse,zhi-zhi-zhi; eight fingers eight fingers turn turn turn,turn to a gun,ba-ba-ba;

nine fingers nine fingers turn turn turn,turn to a hook, hu-hu-hu;

ten fingers ten fingers turn turn turn,turn to a stone, even steven paper sissor stone...

daddy finger daddy finger where are you

I am here; I am here .how do you do!

Mammy finger mammy finger where are you

I am here; I am here .how do you do!

Baby finger baby finger where are you

I am here; I am here .how do you do!


突然用英语怎么说suddenly;sudden;abruptly ;abrupt;unexpected; 例: 突然这种黑暗变得非常可怕。 Suddenly this darkness became terrible. 意大利银行业高层变动非常突然。 Exits are sudd...


英语专业八级相当于什么?可以干什么英语专业八级是我国英语最高等级考试,这个证书可以有很多用途,比如:就职职业技能证明,英语水平证明,职称评定证明,交际能力证明等。 源自1991年,考察对象为:全国综合性大学英语专业...


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