
高一Unit13 Abraham Lincoln语法同步练习题

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教课标版第九册语文第一单元课课练习题]读--悟--写 三级联动 理念下人教版小学语文第九册第一单元1《窃读记》练习题一、读拼音,写词语chǎo c i jǐn l n jī j p( ) ( ) ( ) ( )chōng z wū y n zhī chēn...+阅读


1. Here are the things you must do when an earthquake _____.

A. breaks out B. breaks away

C. happened D. breaks down

2. We all consider Yang Chen _____ one of the best football players in China, as he

has been in a football club in Germany for 3 years.

A. to be B. as C. / D. all of the above

3. Taiwan is never allowed _____ the mainland anyway. It is known to all that it

belongs to China.

A. to break out B. to break in

C. to break away from D. breaking away from

4. Is the flower beautiful? Yes, at _____ it's _____ the one you bought for me.

A. last; as bad as B. last; no better than

C. least; not better D. least; no worse than

5. People in the village he decided to _____ a hospital this year.

A. put up B. build up C. set up D. take up

2. 语法句法同步[练习题]

1. On the day _____ my friends visited me, I happened to be out.

A. which B. where C. in which D. when

2. The shop _____ I bought a jacket the day before yesterday has closed.

A. where B. there C. 不填 D. which

3. I can still remember the stadium _____ my brother and I used to go to watch

volleyball match.

A. what B. which C. that D. where

4. This film is so _____ that we are very _____ in it.

A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting

5. The teacher did _____ he could _____ the students' ability on spoken English.

A. all; improve B. what; improve

C. what; to improve D. what; improved

1. I bought a piece of cloth yesterday. It was _____ a shirt for my son.

A. used to make B. used to

C. used to making D. use to make

2. My grandpa has been living in the countryside for ten years, so he _____ the life

there now.

A. is used to B. used to C. be used D. was used to

3. _____ a boy, he used to play football with us.

A. As for B. He is C. As D. To be

4. Jenny jumped with joy _____ the news that she had passed the entrance


A. at B. for C. about D. by

5. How seriously the things around us he been polluted? Yes. We should fight _____

the pollution _____ a clean world.

A. against; about B. about; for C. with; against D. against;for

6. Do you think the plan is good? Yes. It's very good, and I don't think anyone

could _____ it.

A. against B. be against C. not for D. be for

7. _____ a middle school student, she worked hard at all subjects.

A. To be B. Because of C. As D. While

8. John still remember the sitting-room _____ her family _____ in the evening.

A. where; used to sit B. that; used to sitting

C. by which; used to sit D. where; were seated


1. I'll never fet the day _____ we spent together last week.

2. I'll never fet the day _____ we met each other last week.

3. Do you still remember the hall _____ we visited the painting exhibition?

4. After living in New York for 10 years, he returned to the small town _____

he grew up as a child.

5. It is the third time _____ you he made the same mistake.


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