

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于识字教学的体会]宁波北伦新蕾幼儿园 贝贤飞 本学期我们小一乙班开展了识字特色教学活动,汉字教育自古有之幼儿识字是建立在只认字而不写汉字的基础上,对幼儿进行识字教学就必须根据孩子的年龄...+阅读

You're not to cut down my advertising budget again, are you?

I think it's too hard for the erage customers to understand the direction.

I he to draw an advertising leaflet for the new product.

What kind of image do you want to convey in the advertisement?

Do you think we should include some performance data?

A picture gives better impression than just a diagram.

Here're the results of the tests on the prototype. You may need them in the ads.

Definitely the advertising budget will he to be cut.

We won't expect the sales will be as high as last year if we're not going to push this product this year.

We're sure the sales will start to recover with the successful advertisement.

They've decided to start a large-scale promotion in summer.

The boss always plains that we've spent so much on advertisements but the results are not satisfying.

There're two opposite opinions. One is to put more into ads, and the other to cut down on ads.

The experts believe that advertising is to condition people's mind.

If the ad is well done, the products of erage quality will sell well.

Many panies are spending a lot of money on ads when they produce a new product.

Some big panies advertise their products by sponsoring big sports events.

I think sponsorship is better than straight advertising. It's less expensive and tax-free.

It doesn't pay if we spend so much on ads. It's the media that make the biggest profit.



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