
美国俚语:"bang " 轰轰烈烈地成功的做了sth

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[法语俚语法国年轻人的口语]俚语(argot)被广泛的用于亲友熟人之间,属于非正式场合之下的口语。跟法国人说俚语,有利于交流和拉近你们之间的关系。但切记不能用于正式场合和书面报考等。 国内的法语材料大多...+阅读

1.Retire with a bang. "bang ""轰轰烈烈地成功的做了sth"

eg: If our team wins the finals, we’ ll finish the season with a bang. 要是我们队能在决赛中胜出的话,我们就能轰轰烈烈的完成这个赛季.

The school year started off with a bang when I was named class president. 任命我为班长的那个学年轰轰烈烈的开始了.

2. Where I’ m gonna wind up. "wind up ""信步走到"

eg: We usually wind up at the mall after school. 我总是考试.大不知不觉在放学后到了商场.

I went for a walk, and wound up on the other side of town! 我溜达着来大了城镇的另一边.

3.Taking life as it es. 直面人生

eg: Stop worrying about everything and take life as it es. 别担心了,面对生活吧.

We can’ t predict the future, we must take life as it es. 我们不能预测未来,必须面对人生的挑战.


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