[读《从字词学习抵达阅读理解》一文有感]在周一贯先生主编的《小学语文文体教学大观》一书中,我读到了莫国夫的一篇文章,心中颇受触动。文中指出: 小学阅读教学承担着识字学词的功能,同时这又是一个双向互动的过程,即识...+阅读
D) The microwe oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a meal.
题中四句话都提到微波炉的好处,其中B、C、D 分别从方便、解冻、定时三个不同的方面具体讲述微波炉不同于传统炊具的优势,而A则从整体上覆盖了上述三句的内容,故A是对B、C、D的概括,上述分析、寻找概括意义之选项的过程即为归纳过程。推而广之,我们可用之于段落和短文主题的归纳。
(2) 段落大意的归纳
Although most universities in the United States are run on a semester system, which offers classes in the fall and spring, some schools observe a quarter system prised of fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters. The academic year, September to June, is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each beginning in September, January, and March, the summer quarter, June to August is posed of shorter sessions of varying length. Students may take advantage of the opportunity to study year around by enrolling in all four quarters, Most students begin their programs in the fall quarter, but they may enter at the beginning of any of the other quarters.
A) Universities in the United States
B) The Academic Year
C) The Quarter System
D) The Semester System
本段由四个句子组成,各句大意分别为:1)有些学校实行四学期制;2)学年从9月至下年7月,前三个学期各长11周,夏季学期最短;3)学生可于任何学期注册入学;4)但大多数学生秋季入学。通过上述四句大意的归纳,可知本段落主要讲述美国大学的一种学期制,即Quarter System,答案为C。
(3) 短文主题的归纳
①Proponents of father- attended childbirth assert that the father’s experience encourages him to develop a closer bond with his child…
②As a father of three teenagers from a previous marriage, one man pared his past experience as a new father to being in the delivery room during the birth of his newborn daughter…
③ Women report that they are much less anxious and more aware of what is going on when their husbands are with them when they give birth…
A) The Father-Daughter Relationship
B) Baby’s First View of Life
C) Dad in the Delivery Room
日语一级全真句型精解与归纳11、AあってのB 接续:A[名词]あってのB[ことだ] 释义:AがあるからこそBがある。AがなければBもない"正因为……才有……" 提示:A多为表示人的名词,意思是只有A才有B. 真题:どんな...
阅读理解中的态度类问题关于作者的态度类问题(Attitude) 阅读理解的最后一题常常提问在作者对文章中某一问题的态度(Attitude)、全文的基调(Tone)、文章的出处(Source)及对文章前后接续内容的判断等。 关于...
四级考试阅读理解技巧——怎样回答阅读理解中的态度类关于作者的态度类问题(Attitude) 阅读理解的最后一题常常提问在作者对文章中某一问题的态度(Attitude)、全文的基调(Tone)、文章的出处(Source)及对文章前后接续内容的判断等。 关于...
日语一级全真句型精解与归纳26、AいかんによらずB 接续:A[ノ]いかんによらずB 释义:Aがどうであるかに関係なく、B"不管……都……;与……无关" 链接:1级5"AいかんにかかわらずB" 真题:この奨学金は留学生の...
日语一级全真句型精解与归纳311、AかたわらB 接续:A[ノ?スル]かたわらB 释义:Aと同時に(の間に)Bをする"一面……一面……;一方面……一方面……" 提示:书面用语。 链接:2级4"A一方でBも"、148"Aは反面(半面)B" 真...
四级考试阅读理解的应试对策1.在阅读速度方面,要以较快的速度从大量材料中捕捉有关信息,我们必须养成良好的将遇良才习惯,不是逐词阅读,而是按意群(meaningful group)扫视、连贯阅读;是拘泥于个别词句的理解,而...