

12月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

信手拈来商业信件 —— 接受邀请信!


★★★★ 四大学四六级国际商务级



【Kim’s Note】 The popularity of e-mail has led some people to bee careless in their writing. It is still a sign of intelligence and good business sense to be able to write an effective business letter.

Accepting an Invitation

Dear Mr. Li,


[1] Thank you so much for your kind invitation to address『向……作(正式)讲话』the Chamber of merce monthly luncheon at 12 p. m. September 9, at the Mayors’ Building on the subject of “The Place of Expert Systems in Business During the Next Decade.” I am pleased to accept your invitation.

[1] 承蒙盛情邀请我于9月9日12时在商会每月一次的午宴上致辞,不胜感谢。午宴地点在市长大厦,题目为“今后十年内专家制度在商业中的地位”。我很高兴地接受你们的邀请。

[2] This is a topic that is uppemp3ost『最重要的;最显著的;(作副词)处于最突出的地位』in the minds of many businesses these days as a matter of urgent business survival. Yet it is also a topic about which there is much misunderstanding. I hope to generate『产生,发生(电、热、光等)』more light than heat in my remarks. I plan to take about twenty-five minutes for the main part of my address and would like to he questions from the floor for the rest of the time allowed to me.

[2] 这个作为紧迫的企业生存的问题是当今许多企业首先想到的问题。它也是人们产生许多误解的问题。我希望我的讲话发出的光多于热。预计我用大约25分钟的时间说完主要部分,规定的其余时间让大家提问题。

[3] I look forward to this opportunity of being with you and the Chamber of merce members once again.

[3] 盼望再次有机会与你及商会的成员们会面。

Sincerely yours,




* This easy-to-read guide is addressed to those who meet the qualifications.(这本简易的指导手册是写给那些合格的人的。)

* Gee addressed a warning to a friend.(乔治对一位朋友提出警告。)

* The president will address the crowd at nine o’clock.(总统将在9点向大众致词。)


* The peace issue remains uppemp3ost.(和平问题仍是最主要的问题。)

* Your budget is not our uppemp3ost concern right now.(你的预算并不是目前我们最关心的。)


* Even now water is still the main resource to generate electricity.(水到今天为止仍是主要的发电资源。)

* We he several events a year to generate funds.(我们一年有几件大事可以集资。)

* The Olympics will generate a lot of good publicity for China.(奥运会将为中国带来不少好名声。)
