

05月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语口语对话两人]英语口语对话a: she has a certain aptitude for math. when she was a teenager, she was already taking college level math courses.b: i know! she really has made...+阅读

(big party of old friends)

A: Hello B, long time since last time we met.

B: Yeah~my friend How is your days?

A: Pretty good. How about you?

B: Oh Fine.Working on my paints everyday.

A: Oh I see C D E are there Let's go over.

E: Oh look who is here~My freinds! I missed you so much.

D: I 've expected for this moment a long time!Miss you too.

C: Same here!How have you been these years?

B: Just like it should be.I major in art after I entered the college. Painting everyday~ Tired but I feel rich.

C: Cool. I just be a common student.Listen to many species of speech everyday,it makes me more thoughtful.

A: Where's F? Doesn't she come here?

E: Of course, she has just went to the table for some drinks.Oh here she comes.

F: Oh you guys~Glad to see you here!

A B: Me too.

F: How are you recently?

A: I'm learnning something on chemistry in college, while taking many activities.B is still painting as an artist.

F: Wow wonderful. I've just take part in the competition on English in my college.And E is my classmate now. She prefers biology.

D: Seems that we all have our own wonderful college life.We should insist on it.fighting~

(ABCDE最好都要改成名字哦 不然很奇怪)

临时很匆忙地写的 人称是女的 你们可以自己改 不晓得可不可以帮到忙 祝你们考试顺利~

能不能帮我写篇大一英语情景对话呀 5分钟左右最好有译文

B--Time to dinner, would you like to go with me?A--No, thank you, but I don't feel like I can eat anything.B--What's going on? Is everything OK?A--I'm Fine. Everything is fine.B--Come on, tell me!A--Oh, it's about...OK, it's my English class. I'm afraid I couldn't possibly pass the final exam. I got a C in the middle exam, but I think the teacher gave me some extra point which I shouldn't have.B--Oh, that's it? Don't be so silly! Everything will be OK! There's still four weeks before the exam, you can try harder to study and get a good mark. All you should do is believe yourself and start to review all the stuff which the teacher taught us on the class. A—oh, easier said than done, you did well in every exam of every lesson. Is there some kind of magic or something? Can you tell me how you did it?B—As a good friend, I have to tell you, first, I spend less time to play video games. I play them sometimes, but not as much as you. Secondly, I think the way you learn is not the most appropriate, and that wasted much of your time too. You should listen to the teacher more, and take note during the class, I well lend you mine, don't worry.A--Is it to late to begin just 4 weeks before the exam?B--Never too late to begin! It will be easy, because I will help you out!A--Really? Thank you so much! You are saving my life!B--I'll always save your life! We can begin this evening! So, now dinner?A--It will be on my treat! B--到午饭时间了 你愿意和我一起吃饭去么?A---不,谢谢,我不想吃任何东西。




(Sam and Tom are talking about the difference between Collage and university) Tom: hi Sam, how are you? Sam: good thanks Tom: so, is every thing fine at your university? Sam: pretty good. Just feel a bit weird. Tom: same here, I feel weird too about going to university everyday without any having any interest about it. Sam: it's like you feel like you're rejected, nothing feels unfamiliar to you, and sometimes you gets really scared of a teacher. It's nothing like collage at all! Tom: I agree, even some of my classmates were scared too, because all teachers look much severed. Sam: in collage, at least the teachers aren't that scary and strict. Homework are not so hard. In university, homework are increasing so fast that you can't get a breath out of it! Tom: next week, I'm having a test, and they said it's going to be so hard! Sam: me too, not next week, but soon. In collage, we don't get much trouble if we don't get a high mark, but in university, you just have to go for it, try as hard as you can to graduate at the end. Tom: yes, I think I better go back home to study now, see ya! Sam: ok, see ya!


Topic 12 (Unit 13): Talking about Dreams and Ambitions

Talk about your future plan after your graduation.

Sa: Good morning!

Sb: Good morning!

b: What are you doing here?

a: I'm reading my textbook since we will have the final examination next week.

b:So you are a hardworking student. Then what's your plan after your graduation?

a:Well, I dreamed to be a collge teacher,because I think teaching is a great and stable job.

b:Wow,you have a wonderful dream and a great expectation for yoru future.

a:Thank you very much!

b: You are welcome!

a: Then do you have any idea about your future plan?

b: I'm afraid not, since I'm just a freshman here. Maybe I can follow you....

a: Good! Hope you can study hard and make your dream come true.

b:I hope so,thanks.Byebye!




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