

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语口语对话两人]英语口语对话a: she has a certain aptitude for math. when she was a teenager, she was already taking college level math courses.b: i know! she really has made...+阅读



A:Holidays are comin.How are you?

B:Fine,and you?

A:I'm fine too.What are you going to do during th e holiday?

B:I am going to take a trip.

A:Good idea.When do you plan to start?

B:Enn...About July the 30th.

A:Where are you going?


A:Oh.It's really a wonderful city.

B:I agree with you.What about your plan?

A:I plan to take a part-time job.

B:Sounds nice.

A:Why do you think so?

B:I mean you can get more working experience.

A:Yes, I think so too.

B:Where do you want to find the job?

A:I haven't decided it yet.

B:I know a company which needs an employee.

A:Where is it?

B:No.XX XXRoad.So, let me take you there tomorrow!


B:You are welcome.

A:Then I will give you a phone tomorrow.


A:See you tomorrow.



Good morning! Good morning!What is your name ? My name is JaneAre you Kangkang? Yes,I amNice to see you . Nice to see you ,tooWelcome to China. Thanks.See you later. Bye-byeHow do you do? How do you do?Have a nice day! You,tooHow are you? I'm fine Is she Maria? Yes,she is Where are you from? I'm from ChinaWhere's Zhuzhou? It's in HunanWho's this? This is JackWho is she? She is MariaHow old are you? I'm fiveWhat's your telephone number? 68003553What grade are you in? I'm in Grade oneWhat class are you in? I'm in Class oneWhat's this in English? It's an orangeHow do you spell it? O-R-A-N-G-E,orange(我就是学仁爱版的耶! 如果以后有什么需要帮助的,可以找我哦)...


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