

05月28日 编辑 39baobao.com


首先,在我看来,你必须要端正你的态度 需要有一颗坚持的心 对于英语,假如你的基础较弱 我的建议是,你可以去背文章,多去模仿录音。 其次词汇是很重要的,这个必须通过 你是想自学。 首先,你先把这个单元的词汇背了,然后在看中文写英文,看英文写中文,这是单词关。而且要十分熟练单词的发音 然后呢,你就去听课文,在不看原文的情况下,你去把它坚持听写下来,在对照原文 然后呢,再听写,这个时候,一般都差不多了,你再做第三步,翻译这篇文章,英译中 然后再中译英,对照原文,然后找出你的语法错误,再读几遍,就基本会背了 其次就是大量的练习 当然如果你时间不够,那就背点范文,买本语法书自学,基本的这一册语法会了,然后熟记单词。 然后疯狂做题就可以啦。

认真跟读一部美剧,当然这是为考试学英语 no pains ,no gains ,加油吧

当今低碳生活lowcarbon living的理念已深入人心植树造林

Low-carbon living, a green and healthy lifestyle, is becoming more and more popular. It can help change the global warming greatly.

To live a low-carbon life, I walked or rode bikes to school every day. In my daily life I managed to save electricity and water. And I often kept in touch with friends by writing emails instead of using a printer. I often planted trees with my family on weekends.

I hope that more and more people will realize the importance of environmental protection and practice the low-carbon lifestyle.


【亮点说明】短文用了不定式表示目的,如:To live a low-carbon life, I walked or rode bikes to school every day.等,最后还用hope+that从句寄予了期待。


YY频道7450欢迎您 推荐一些我自己最喜欢的英文歌, 希望你能够喜欢。可能多了一点,但都是我自己的心血,希望你可以去听听推荐以下自己最喜欢的歌手akon的歌:1。 >akon2。 >akon3。 >akon4。 >akon5。 >akon >主题曲旋律很好听的歌:1。 >usher3。 >cascada4。 >Rihanna5。 >Sean Kingston 这首歌是Billboard 连续几周排行第一的歌曲6。 >R。kelly7。 >Ace of base8。 >劲舞团9。 >Gwen Stefani 10。>NBA季后赛主题曲听着让人很舒服,还可以产生联想的歌:1。 >Groove Coverage2。 >Groove Coverage3。 >Groove Coverage7。 >Gareth gates8。 >Gareth Gates11。 >Sean Kingston12。 >Sean Kingston13。 >Sean Kingston14。 >Rihanna28。 >R。kelly29。 >Brayn Adams。


Through the psychology of learning and teaching to develop students interest in mathematics In this paper, mathematics teaching in secondary schools some of the problems, combined with mathematics learning of the psychological problems encountered, and explore the psychological characteristics of middle school students in mathematics and cognitive laws. The new curriculum standards advocated student-centered, cooperative learning, teaching and other activities in the implementation of new ideas, the actual teaching is to give students the main. Then they would have to be concerned about students learning occurs when the psychological problems, in order to grasp the psychology of students and better teaching. Contact the new curriculum standards require students to explore the psychological study of Mathematics, Psychology student teachers have to teach better, students will learn more easily, according to students of psychology, evoked their interest in learning is the best method. Psychological point of view that only students interested in higher learning in order to take the initiative to learn, to obtain better learning results. For today's classroom teaching in a variety of incentives lack of interest in the phenomenon, through the psychology, the psychology students for the basement, build in order to interest-oriented model of secondary school mathematics teaching strategies is particularly important. Only do students at all times in order to stimulate interest in the mission of the mathematics to the real student-centered, students will be returned to the classroom. 谢谢采纳哦




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