

04月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求3人英语口语对话拜托拜托啦]A: Good morning! Are you Mr...? I am from...(公司名) B:Yes, I am .... How do you do? A: How do you do, Mr.... I am...(自己的名字). Did you have a good flight? B: Ye...+阅读

4.A: 我选择喜欢,但钱少的工作 I've got tow offers. The first one is a low-paid job that is interesting, and the second one is well-paid but boring. I choose the former. There are two reasons for this choice: Firstly, the motto “interesting is the best teacher”, namely you could do a better job if you have a relish of it. I love this job, just like its looks better then anything else in my eyes. Secondly, money isn't everything. We should better master it then submit it. And, for a job, opportunity and happiness is more important then hand cash. So ,now we are in a position to conclude that it's better to chose a low-paid job that is interesting.4.B:我选择不喜欢,但钱多的工作 I've got tow offers. The first one is a low-paid job that is interesting, and the second one is well-paid but boring. I choose the latter. There are two reasons for this choice: Firstly, though is boring now, it could be boring forever. I'll try my best to accommodate it, study it, then be a expert of it. Interesting is only part of my life. Secondly, we could do nothing without money. So a well-paid job is so important to us. With the salary you can buy so many things you want. Money play a important part in today's society. With the money, you can afford your interesting. So ,now we are in a position to conclude that it's better to chose a well-paid job but boring.5.A: 我觉得住城里比乡下好 I came from the country, I think living in the city is better than living in the country. There are three reasons for this: The first reason is you could get more traffic-facilities in the city. For example, there's buses, trains, subways and taxis in the city, but there are only carriage in the country. The second reason is you could get more shopping-facilities in the city. There're shopping-mall and super markets everywhere, you can get everything you need. It's so easy to buy something in the country. The third reason is there're more job opportunities in the city, for the city got more factories. If you want to find a job, the city is your best bet. But in the country, maybe it's just a imagination. So ,now we are in a position to conclude that living in the city is better than living in the country.5.B: 我觉得住乡下比城里好 I came from the country, I think living in the country is better than living in the city. There are three reasons for this: The first reason is air condition. I like fresh air, I like sunlight, I'm so fond of the nature. But in the city, the air condition is so bad for the factories. Go to the country, take a deep breath of the fresh air, it's such a beautiful life. The second reason is people. To tell the truth, I always get headache for so many people in the city, it's so crowd every where. But there're less people in the country, so there're more peaceful and joys in the country. The third reason is pressure. There's a heavy atmosphere in the country, the job competition, the relationship of people, always makes me breathless. I always want to go to a place which is pressure less. Now I find it in the country. So ,now we are in a position to conclude that living in the country is better than living in the city. 终于写完了,累死我了。

英文翻译Jobrespo agingitemclearupfor

Job responsibility: 工作职责 -Responsible for account reconciliation, aging item clear up for P&E , AAP。 负责P&E和AAP公司的账目协调,陈账清理 -responsible for tax booking and tax filling。 负责税务登记和税务归档 -Other job assigned by Tax & Costing Leader。 处理税务及成本主管分派的其它工作 Requirement: 要求 -Quick learner, take initiative, team player, independence and cross 学习能力强,有进取心,善于与团队合作,有独立工作能力,能吃苦 functional skills 业务能力 -1-2 years of work experience in related areas 有在相关领域1-2年的工作经验 -University degree holder in accounting 会计专业大学本科学历 -Fluency in spoken and written English and Chinese 英语口语,笔译能力及汉语俱佳 。


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