

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英语本科毕业生的个人简历]简历编号: 性 别: 女 出生年月: 文化程度: 本科 期望工作种类: 行政/人事/管理 教师/培训师/助教 期望工作地区: 成都 重庆 工作类型: 全职兼职均可 工作年限: 一年以上 户口所在地:...+阅读

这个招聘小剧.主要是想通过见工,把有些人在生活中的一些坏习惯暴露出来,提醒别的人要注意生活小节,要懂得起码的礼貌.这样才能在职场中无往不胜. 希望你喜欢. 剧名: 见工Job Interview 人物: Mrs. Wang( interviewer, a manager of human resources) Linda (secretary) David Lee(interviewee 1, a college student) 地点: In the office of Mrs. Wang Linda is busy doing her clerical work when Mrs. Wang walks into the office. Linda: Good morning, Mrs. Wang! Mrs. Wang: Good morning, Linda. Linda: Would you like to have a cup of tea? Mrs. Wang: oh, thanks. Linda, please bring in the resumes for today's interview. I want to take a quick look first. Linda: Ok. I'll bring them in right away. Linda walks away. A moment later she returns with a cup of tea in one hand and some documents in the other hand. Linda: here you are. (She puts the tea and the documents on the desk.) Mrs. Wang: thank you, Linda. When is the appointment for interview? Linda: 9: 30. You still have 10 minutes. Mrs. Wang: ok. Give me a buzz then. 10 minutes later. David Lee walks in for the interview. Miss Chen calls from the outer office. Linda: hi, Mrs. Wang, David Lee is here now. Mrs. Wang: ok. Bring him in. Linda leads David Lee to the office. Linda: this way, please. David follows Miss Chen in and sits down at designated place. Linda walks out. Mrs. Wang: Hi, My name is Mrs. Wang, director of Human Resources. Nice to meet you. David: Nice to meet you, too. Mrs. Wang: well, tell me something about yourself, ok? David: my name is David lee. I graduated from XXX University. I have a master degree in business management and I have….. While David is speaking, he crosses his right leg on top of his left leg and he starts to shake his right leg. Mrs. Wang frowns. She tries to ignore that. “Now, tell me why you want to work here.” David: Three Stars Company is a prestigious company. It will be a great honor to…ar-choooooooo!(David sneezes) Mrs. Wang passes him some tissues. David takes some and starts to wipe his nose without any magic words(thank you). Mrs.Wang rolls her eyes in disbelief. What's even worse, David twists the tissues into a ball and throws the tissues to the waste basket from his seat but he misses it.. Mrs. Wang can't stand this any more. She gets up and says, “Divide, I think I have known you well enough. Please wait for our reply. Good bye and good luck! Linda! Linda! Next, please! Linda walks in and signals David to leave. David looks puzzled. He asks Mrs. Wang, “I can't believe the interview took such little time, I had prepared a lot to things. Mrs. Wang: I think you left something home or somewhere. Just go home and lie down. Think about what's missing. Ok? David walks away, still looks puzzled. The end


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