

04月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求几句人生积极向上的格言]积极向上的人生格言 一人生就象一个球,无论如何滚来滚去,总有在一个点上停止的时候; 二、人生,不求活得完美,但求活得实在; 三、人生活在世界上,都是在自觉不自觉的写书。写得好写...+阅读

take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 shoot from the hip 鲁莽地做事 lay it on the line 付款, 实话实说, 冒风险 meet halfway 妥协,让步 win-win 双赢 dry run 演习,排练 blow you away 震撼你,强烈地影响你 see eye to eye 看法完全一致 back out 收回,停止不干 cut a deal 达成协议 know the ropes 知道内情 trouble shoot (政治、外交等)解决麻烦问题的能手;(机器等)故障检修员 jump start 应急电源(不确定) go down swinging 光荣地失败,体面地下台 think out of the box 打破沉规 bend over backwards 拼命 water under the bridge 逝水流年 get the bugs out 安慰(不确定) go for broke 全力以赴 hit a home run 全胜,漂亮一击


你好,说明如下:Slang(derived from America) can be regional (that is, used only in a particular territory), but slang terms are often particular instead to a certain subculture, such as music or video gaming. Nevertheless, slang expressions can spread outside their original areas to become commonly used, like "cool" and "jive." While some words eventually lose their status as slang (the word "mob", for example, began as a shortening of Latin mobile vulgus), others continue to be considered as such by most speakers. When slang spreads beyond the group or subculture that originally used it, its original users often replace it with other, less-recognised terms to maintain group identity.One use of slang is to circumvent social taboos, as mainstream language tends to shy away from evoking certain realities. For this reason, slang vocabularies are particularly rich in certain domains, such as violence, crime, drugs, and sex. Alternatively, slang can grow out of mere familiarity with the things described. Among Californian wine connoisseurs (and other groups), for example, Cabernet Sauvignon is often known as "Cab Sav," Chardonnay as "Chard" and so on;this means that naming the different wines expends less superfluous effort; it also helps to indicate the user's familiarity with wine.Even within a single language community, slang, and the extent to which it is used, tends to vary widely across social, ethnic, economic, and geographic strata. Slang may fall into disuse over time; sometimes, however, it grows more and more common until it becomes the dominant way of saying something, at which time it usually comes to be regarded as mainstream, acceptable language (e.g. the Spanish word caballo), although in the case of taboo words there may not be an expression which is considered mainstream or acceptable. Numerous slang terms pass into informal mainstream speech, and sometimes into formal speech, though this may involve a change in meaning or usage.Slang very often involves the creation of novel meanings for existing words. It is common for such novel meanings to diverge significantly from the standard meaning. Thus, "cool" and "hot" can both mean "very good," "impressive," or "good-looking".Slang terms are often known only within a clique or ingroup. For example, Leet ("Leetspeak" or "1337") was originally popular only among certain Internet subcultures, such as crackers and online video gamers. During the 1990s, and into the early 21st century, however, Leet became increasingly more commonplace on the Internet, and it has spread outside Internet-based communication and into spoken languages. Other types of slang include SMS language used on mobile phones, and "chatspeak," (e.g., "LOL", an acronym meaning "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud" or ROFL, "rolling on the floor laughing"), which is widely used in instant messaging on the Internet.希望能帮到你~~


常用美式俚语如下:1.nerd和jock是现今美国学生常用的两个俗语。nerd的意思和汉语中的“书呆子”类似。这类人往往是聪明勤奋,但却过于保守严肃,在校园里颇让人瞧不起。jock则恰恰相反。他们魁梧帅气,很受女孩子们的欢迎,尤其擅长American football和basketball等各种体育运动。当然,校园中也不乏漂亮的girl jocks。2.egghead这个词在1952年的美国总统大选中曾被首次使用。当时的竞选双方分别是二战盟军总司令艾森豪威尔和书生气十足的伊利诺伊州州长史蒂文森。史蒂文森精心准备的竞选演讲文字华丽晦涩,只有和他一样的知识分子才会感兴趣。因此对手取笑他说:Sure, all the eggheads love Stevenson. But how many eggheads do you think there are。egghead的意思,就是指书生气很足的知识分子。3.hick和city slicker这两个词的意思也是在各种语言中一定都能找到对应的词,它们分别是城里人和乡下人对对方的贬称。

hick的意思是“乡巴佬,土包子,”而 slick字面意思是“圆滑的,油滑的”,因而city slicker也就是乡下人眼中的“城里老油子,打扮光鲜,老于世故却不可信的城里滑头”。4.turkey(火鸡),shrimp(虾)和crab(螃蟹)这三种动物在美国人眼中会是什么人呢?turkey是美国人在 Thanksgiving Day和Christmas Day家家都要吃的食物。但是,活的火鸡样子难看,行动又笨拙,所以turkey就用来形容那种愚蠢无用的人。而那种雇用了这些turkey,又不能开除他们的政府或商业机构就被称作turkey farm。shrimp常被用于指代那些个子矮小的人或无足轻重的小人物。请看下面的句子:You may call Napoleon a little shrimp. But for a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble。而crab因为长相丑陋凶恶,常被用来指那些性格暴躁、脾气很坏的人。...


求几句高三百日冲刺的标语就用我的这些吧 经典中的经典 (1)摒弃侥幸之念,必取百炼成钢;厚积分秒之功,始得一鸣惊人。 (2)天助自助者,你要你就能。 (3)抢时间,抓基础,勤演练定有收获;树自信,誓拼搏,升大学回报父...

求几句哲学名言名句!人生有八苦:生,老,病,死,爱别离,怨长久,求不得,放不下 人无善恶,善恶存乎尔心 人的一生,面对什么方向不要紧,要紧的是我们正朝什么方向前进 ◆良好人际关系的成功秘诀,在于‘不道人短’,...

求几句常用英文谚语谢!0. All is not gold that glitters. 闪光未必尽黄金。 1. Money is the root of evil. 金钱是罪恶的根源。 2. Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。 3. All things a...

求几句英文祝福句Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以...

美国英国常用的俚语有哪些概述 俚语(lǐyǔ),是指民间非正式、较口语的语句,是百姓在日常生活中总结出来的通俗易懂顺口的具有地方色彩的词语。地域性强,较生活化。俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式...

求几句简单日语的发音和写法1.ありがとう a ri ga to wu 2.すみません su mi ma se n 对不起,还有轻微感谢 时也可用 ごめんなさい go me n na sa yi 较郑重的对不起 3.あなたは谁ですか? a na ta ha da...

求几句商业英语的实用语句呵呵,跟客户说话语气最好客气点。所以我自己一般会委婉点: What do you want?/What can we do for you? Is there anything else you want? May I know your name please? 这...

求几句女生伤感个性签名刚分手的当爱恨各一半,我该怎么圈揽。 你给我的天堂,其实是一片荒凉。 如果说我无意中伤害了你,那么对不起。 给我一个为你哭泣的理由。 一句分手,比不上任何的山盟海誓。 我太天真了,天...

常用的美国俚语1.面包商的一打 指十二个的「打」字是英文dozen的音译,大概没有甚么人不知道了;可是a baker's dozen(面包商的一打)却不是十二个,而是十三个。为甚么呢? 据说,从前英国不少面包商偷...
