

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁能帮我想十条文明守则]1 保持生活环境的整洁卫生,不随地吐痰,乱丢果皮、纸屑等。一切车辆(包括自行车)要按指定的位置摆放整齐 2 讲文明礼貌,不从楼上抛丢垃圾、杂物。不准弄脏和划花墙壁。 3 按时到校...+阅读


I see you comb your hair 我看见你在梳头

And gimme that grin 朝我一笑

It's making me spin now, spinnin' within 于是我的世界开始晕眩

Before I melt like snow 在我像雪一样融化以前

I say "hello, how do you do?" 我对你说:你好

I love the way you undress now, baby, begin 喜欢你宽衣的方式,亲爱的,开始吧

Do you caress, honey, my heart's in a mess 开始爱抚我,亲爱的,我心如乱麻

I love your blue-eyed voice 喜欢你的蓝眼睛你的声音

Like tiny Tim shines thru 就像tiny Tim在闪耀

How do you do ? 你好

Well, here we are 我们在这里

Crackin' jokes in the corner of our mouths 破碎的玩笑常挂在我们的嘴角

And I feel like I'm laughing in a dream 然而我感觉自己时常在梦里发笑

If I was young 如果我还年轻

I could wait outside your school 我将守在你学校的门口,默默等待

Cos your face is like the cover of a magazine 因为你美丽的脸,就像杂志的封面女郎

(Refrao) How do you do, do you do 你好

The things that you do ? 这一切都是你所为吗

No one I know could ever keep up with you 我所认识的人中没有人能及你的

How do you do ? 你好

Did it ever make sense to you To say "Bye, bye, bye" ? 说再见的时候你感觉到我的问候了吗

I see you in that chair with perfect skin 我看见你躺在椅子上,美丽动人

Well, how have you been, baby, livin' in sin ? 曾经的你,怎样在罪恶里生活呢

Hey, I gotta know 我想知道

Did you say "hello, how do you do ?" 你说过你好吗

How do you do ? 你好 Well, here we are 我们在这里

Spending time in the louder part of town 在喧嚣的镇上生活

And It feels like everything's surreal 一切都如此不真实

When I get old I will wait outside your house 当我老去,我会守在你的屋外,静静等待

Cos your hands have got the power meant to heal 因为只有你充满魔力的手,能够抚平我的创伤


HOW DO YOU DO 你好 When I'm going on the summer holiday 当我去的暑假 And my plane leaves to a place so far away 和我的飞机离开到一个地方,到目前为止 I'm so happy cuz it's time to celebrate 我很高兴,因为这是庆祝的时候了 Oh I feel like I could dance 哦,我觉得我可以跳舞 Different people all around 周围不同的人 the globe don't know 全球不知道 What to say when there's a stranger 当陌生人的时候该说什么 I will show 我将展示 That there is a way you can communicate 有一种你可以沟通的方式 Everybody understands 每个人都明白 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 It's so easy 这很容易 when you want to make a friend 当你想做一个朋友 When the sun is shining in a distant land 当太阳照耀在遥远的地方 There's a certain feeling 有一定的感觉 that surrounds your mind 围绕着你的思想 And you feel like you can dance 你觉得你可以跳舞 When you're going to the south of Africa 当你去南非的时候 To America or to Australia 去美国还是去澳大利亚 You'll see people of all colors and all kinds 你会看到各种颜色的人和各种各样的人 Everybody understands 每个人都明白 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 When I'm going on summer holiday 当我去的暑假 And my plane leaves to a place so far away 和我的飞机离开到一个地方,到目前为止 I'm so happy cuz it's time to celebrate 我很高兴,因为这是庆祝的时候了 Oh I feel like I could dance 哦,我觉得我可以跳舞 Different people all around 周围不同的人 the globe don't know 全球不知道 What to say 说什么 when there's a stranger I will show 当有陌生人我会展示 That there is a way you can communicate 有一种你可以沟通的方式 Everybody understands 每个人都明白 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 It's so easy when you want to make a friend 当你想做一个朋友的时候很容易 When the sun is shining in a distant land 当太阳照耀在遥远的地方 There's a certain feeling that surrounds your mind 有一种感觉,围绕着你的心 And you feel like you can dance 你觉得你可以跳舞 When you're going to the south of Africa 当你去南非的时候 To America or to Australia 去美国还是去澳大利亚 You'll see people of all colors and all kinds 你会看到各种颜色的人和各种各样的人 Everybody understands 每个人都明白 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做的 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Come and take me by the hand 来,把我的手 Cuz I wanna be your friend 因为我想做你的朋友 How do you do 你好吗 You like me and I like you 你喜欢我,我喜欢你 Say how do you do you do 你怎么说你怎么做 How do you do you do 你是怎么做...


1,I Wanna Go,2,Better in Time (Single Mix),3,Doar Cu Tine,4,Happy Holiday,5,Red (The Color of Love),6,A New Generation,,7,themass,8,it is ok,9,Just About Enough,10,Sorry, Sorry,11,One Time,12,Strip Me,13,Sometimes(爱的告白),14,Fire Fly,15,卑恋,16,回归K-PAX星球,17,K-Happy Children,18,Apologize (DjSchweik.G Remix),19,一个人的夜大孤单DJ,20,为谁憔悴DJ,21,不变的音乐DJ,22,(朋友 谭咏麟 )23,(Nico_Love / mail_(master)24,(HOWdoyoudo)25,(oops jaime pas langlais)26,(JustWantYouToKnow)27,(清新的音乐,唯美)28,LaBomba,29,弄你,30,车载低音炮,31,皇家礼炮,32,要你说爱我,以上歌曲我觉得蛮好听的,其实有很多很多英文歌曲,第一首,和第二首最后一首我都觉得蛮好听的,不知道合适你听么?


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