

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[探测Win2KXP2003本机系统信息]Native API乃Windows用户模式中为上层Win32 API提供接口的本机系统服务。平常我们总是调用MS为我们提供的公用的Win32 API函数来实现来实现 我们系统的功能。今天我们要谈的...+阅读

Space probe

阅读提示:空间探测器(Space probe)是用于探测外太空的飞行器。探测器通常用于执行某一特定的任务。

A space probe is an unmanned space mission in which a spacecraft lees Earth's orbit. The first successful space probe was the Soviet Luna 1, which studied the Moon in 1959. Subsequently, space agencies in the United States, Europe and Japan he flown probes to nearly every pla in the solar system and several asteroids and ets.

Lunar probes

Luna program - Soviet Lunar exploration (1959-1976).

Ranger program - US Lunar hard-landing probes (1961-1965).

Zond program - Soviet Lunar exploration (1964-1970).

Surveyor program - US Lunar soft-landing probe (1966-1968).

Lunar Orbiter program - US Lunar orbital (1966-1967).

Lunokhod program - Soviet Lunar Rover probes (1970-1973).

Muses-A mission (Hiten and Hagoromo) - Japanese Lunar orbital and hard-landing probes (1990-1993).

Clementine - US Lunar orbital (1998).

Lunar Prospector - US Lunar orbital (1998-1999).

Smart 1 - European Lunar orbital (2003).

LUNAR-A - Japanese lunar orbiter and perators, launch scheduled for 2004 but delayed ever since.

SELENE - Japanese lunar orbiter and lander, launch postponed to Jan 2006.

Mars probes

Zond program - failed Soviet flyby probe

Mars probe program - Soviet orbiters and landers

Viking program - Two US orbiters and landers (1974)

Phobos program - Failed Soviet orbiters and Phobos landers

Mars Pathfinder - Lander and wheeled robot (1996)

Mars Surveyor '98 program (Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander) - Failed US probes

Mars Odyssey - US orbiter

Mars Observer - failed US Mars orbiter

Mars Express (Mars Express Orbiter and Beagle 2) - European orbiter a

nd failed lander 2003)

Mars Exploration Rovers - US rovers (2004-present)

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - US, launched 2005

Mars Science Laboratory - US, to be launched 2009

General solar system probes

Venera program - Soviet Venus orbiter and lander

Vega program - Soviet mission to Venus and et Halley

Zond program - Soviet flyby missions to the Moon, Venus, and Mars

Pioneer Venus project - US Venus orbiter

Mariner program - US Mercury, Venus and Mars flybys

Pioneer program - US Jupiter and Saturn flybys

Voyager program - US Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune flyby and study of interstellar space

Giotto mission - European flyby of et Halley (1986)

Sakigake probe - Japanese flyby of et Halley (1986)

Suisei probe - Japanese flyby of et Halley (1986)

Galileo probe - US Jupiter orbiter and atmosphere probe

Magellan probe - US Venus orbiter

Cassini-Huygens - US-European Saturn orbiter and Titan lander Huygens (1997-present)

NEAR Shoemaker - US asteroid lander, launched 1996

Deep Space 1 - US et/asteroid flyby, 1998-2000

Stardust probe - US et flyby and sample return, launched 1999, expected return 2006

Genesis - first solar wind sample return mission, 1991-2004 (crash)

CONTOUR - US et flyby mission; launch failure in 2003

Hayabusa - Japanese asteroid orbiter, lander and sample return, launched 2003

Rosetta - European et orbiter and lander (Philae); launched 2004

MESSENGER - US Mercury orbiter, launched 2004

Deep Impact - successful US et impactor, launched 2005

Venus Express - ESA probe to be sent for the observation of the Venus's weather in 2005.

Dawn - US Ceres and Vesta orbiter, to be launched in 2006


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指纹探测新技术问世美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们采用了一种新技术,可以观察到原本很难在物体表面上看见的指纹。 参与该科研项目的科学家克里斯托弗·沃尔利说,该方法使用了一种“微X射...

