
雅思口语part2 Describe a long journey

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语part2必须说够两分钟吗]环球教育老师为同学们带来雅思口语变题季口语提分攻略如下,希望对您的备考有所帮助~ 雅思考试中,我们都知道,在雅思口语part 1考试中,考官会与学生之互致问候,并依据学生在IELTS...+阅读



Last summer, my family went to Tibet by train. In the beginning, I thought it was a really a bad idea. It would take us more than 3 days on the train to get there. I assumed that flying there was surely a much better choice. Telling that I was upset, my dad came to me and said, " Hey boy, you must know the possibe trouble you may experience if you get to a place of high altitude in a short time. And there will be surprises on the way there by train." I was not convinced until half a day after our train set off. I was amazed at the scenery outside the window. The mountain ranges, trees, and houses were all different from what I had seen before. And more importantly I made a few friends in the coach. Talking with people coming from different places and backgrounds was such a great thing. It was a pitty we didn't come back by train. I really miss the trip, waiting to have another one.





1、Can you describe the place where you live?

2、What do you usually do in yourhouse/flat/room?

3、Are the transport facilities to your home verygood?

4、Please describe the room you live in.

5、Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?

6、What kind of decorations does it have?

7、How do you think this room could be improved?

8、What can you see when you look out the window of your room?

9、How well do you know your neighbors?

10、What kind of people are your neighbors?

11、Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your

neighbors' homes?

12、Do you like the environment where you live?

13、Would you say the place where you live is good for families with


14、In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

15、What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you like to

live in?


At the moment (2012) in China, there are about 30 different topics being

used in Part 1.

These topics and questions are in the examiner's question book(topic pool),

the examiner isnot allowed to make his or her own questions in Part 1 test.

雅思口语describe something you enjoy doing with an old person

下面我以本次题中非常经典的old man为例讲解part 2的答题思路。 老人话题是从10年以来几乎每次考试都出现的经典考题,具体题目的措辞可能不尽相同,如an old person you respect, an old man influenced you, or the oldest person you know,因此拿到话题卡后要仔细审题,考虑套用,而第三部分通常围绕老人和老龄化问题展开。 模板:T+S+C * T: topic sentence. 一句话直接点题, 如:The old person that I know and admire is my grandfather. He is actually very close to me. When I was young, my father was away a lot in the army and my grandfather took on the role of my father。 * S: supporting ideas. 根据题目中的关键词依次扩展描述,如:He is a very kind gentleman. He is a simple man in that he likes to socialize and drink with his friends at home. He is a carpenter by trade, and one time I was able to work with him when my father askd him to put a floor in our house. Once when I was going on a train trip, he gave me a whole carton of a special kind of candy that I liked. 具体的细节事例描述,随后可加入评价:I really love my grandfather and I believe that he loves me as well. He has taught me a lot about just being happy with the things that I have to do, and also to take time to enjoy life. I think that I get some of my athletic ability from him as he knows Kung fu. I haven't seen my grandfather for a few years, but I know that he is doing well and I know that he will be happy to see me when I go to visit him. I believe that he grew up in a pretty rough time here in China. Things were a lot more difficult than they are now, but through it all he always maintained a happy outlook on life. I would like to grow up and be like him in some ways, I wouldn't say that he is perfect in any way, but then who is? * C: conclusion. 简单总结,使论述更加完整。

如 Therefore I consider my grandfather as my idol。 总结:part2实际上就是一到两分钟的口头作文。所以论述框架必须十分清晰, 按TSC的模式展开,使论述更加严密完整有逻辑才是高分的保证,考生应充分进行准备,进行话题覆盖,练习话题选择性套用,其实老人题几乎可以套用所有的人物题哦!注意在描述之余进行适当的归纳总结是回答描述题的最高境界。 其实在真实的考试中two-way体现得并不是很明显,虽然理论上该部分的问题是由第二部分的描述内容派生而来,但这些问题灵活性大且有深度,考生需搜集近一个月考题逐个锻炼口语思维,积累常用examples and details,才能真正做到“以不变应万变”,有着四两拨千斤的奇效。


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