

03月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁能帮我写一下走近科学的观后感可以有节目简介要求7月份到8月份]1 昨晚看了《走近科学》感触挺大的,故事是这样的:一个家族,十四人七人患了同样的疾病,手舞足蹈,不能自控。然而最痛苦的不在于身体的不由自主,而是内心的煎熬。他们甚至想过用极端...+阅读

1、The trees are suffering from the attacks of insects. The woodpecker comes. It pecks at the insects and save the trees from their attacks. 大树遭受着虫害的袭击。啄木鸟来了,它像医生一样啄走了坏虫,把大树丛坏虫的袭击下解救出来。

2、the little rabbit wants to cross the river. The water is deep but the rabbit cannot swim. The elephant and giraffe build a bridge with their snout and long neck, helping the rabbit to cross the river. 小兔子要过河。


3、Xiao Ming is reading a book loudly nearby a building. Xiao Lin comes and stops him. That is, an aunt is sleeping in a room on the first floor. The both come to a park, reading there happily. 小明在楼下大声地读书,小林过来制止他。原来住在一楼的一位阿姨在睡觉。他们一同来到公园,开心地读起书来。

4、Xiao Ming gets up at 9 o'clock. He has no time to have his breakfast. He rushes to school by bicycle. But it is too late and the school gate has already closed. 小明9点钟起床,早饭都没顾上吃,骑着车匆忙往学校赶。但还是迟到了。学校打大门已经关上了。

5、There is a dress in the balcony of Xiao Hong's room. She finds that it was brought here by wind. She returns the dress to its master,one of her neighbors. The neighbor says "Many thanks" to her. 小红房间的凉台有一件衣服。




Tom loves painting very much, one day he drew pictures on the beach, suddenly he heard someone shouting “help, help”, then he found a boy fall into the sea, he then jumped into the water immediately, and saved the boy, at last he pulled the boy out of the sea, a moment later, the boy's parents came, they were very thankful to Tom, and said Tom was a good boy.




1 this is a tiger, the king of animals. it is very strong, right? it lives in Asia 、Africa and America. it is usually lazy in the day time, for it almost sleeps all the time. it will never go hunting until it is really hungry. there used to be a lot of tigers in the world,but now it is a kind of animals in danger. take care of the rare animals, take care of our plant! 2 this a picture of Big Ben. it looks just the same as other clocks in the world. but in fact, things are not so simple. it was built in London hundreds of years ago, and now it is still standing there. it is an tourist attraction in the UK, and also a simble of the long history of the United Kingdom, just as the king of Bratain. 3 moutains and rivers seems everywhere in the world, but every mountain and every river has its own beauty, so every year, numbers of people come to different places to see different mountains and rivers. mountains and rivers in the picture are totally different from the real ones. you don't have to see them when you w耽籂槽饺噩祭茶熄偿陇ant, all you need is to sit on the sofa,open them and enjoy yourself! 供参考。



It is a [very hot day 自己可以改] in the forest. There is a little duck playing with water in the deep pond. The duck dips its head in and out of water and looks for food to eat. In a stream near-by, there is a fox drinking his water to keep itself cool under the heat. On the other side of the pond, [under the big trees 自己可以改], an elephant is [lying on the green grass 自己可以改]. [Two little birds are taking a rest on the back of the elephant.自己可以改]



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