

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读

Earth Station - The term used to describe the bination of antenna, low-noise amplifier (LNA), down-converter, and receiver electronics that are used to receive a signal transmitted by a satellite.

EBCDIC - This acronym stands for Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code, and it is, similar to ASCII, a way of coding characters.

Echo Canceller - An electronic circuit which eliminates or attenuates the echo effect on satellite signals.

Echo Effect - A time-delayed electronic reflection of a sound that can be eliminated by echo cancellers.

Edge of Coverage (EOC) - A satellite's defined service area.

Edit - To change the content of a file.

Editor - This is piece of software that allows you to edit a file.

EIRP - This stands for Effective Isotropic Radiated Power. This term expresses the strength of the signal leing the satellite or transmitting earth station antenna.

Electromagic Force - This is one of the four forces (with the other three being grity and the strong and weak nuclear forces), and it has an infinite range and acts between objects according to their charge. It is proportional to the strength of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Electromagic Spectrum - This is the full range of frequencies, from radio wes to gamma rays, that characterizes light, and there is a direct relationship between the amount of energy electromagic radiation carries and its frequency. Radio wes are at one end of the spectrum and are low frequency and low energy radiation, while gamma rays are at the other end of the spectrum and are high frequency and high energy radiation. Visible light falls somewhat near the middle of the spectrum.

Electronic Mail - See Email.

Elevation - The measurement of the tilt of a satellite antenna, measured in degrees, that is required to point the antenna at the munications satellite. If, for example, the antenna were aimed at the horizon, the elevation angle would be zero (directly overhead would be 90 degrees).

Email - This is electronic-mail, that is text messages that are sent over the inter.

Emoticons - This is a contraction meaning emotional icon that is made with mon characters, such as :-) being made from :, -, and ).

Emulate - This is when a copy of a system is made (i.e., a duplication).

Encoder - A device that is utilized to alter a signal electronically so that it can only be viewed with a receiver equipped with a decoder.

Encryption - This is when data is put into a coded form for protection, and only those with the proper access information (i.e., the encryption code) can see the data.

EOC - see Edge of Coverage.

EOF - This is the acronym for End Of File.

Equatorial Orbit - An orbit that is parallel to the earth's equator.

Error - This is any sort of general incorrect or unwanted procedure or piece of data.

Error Control - This is the same quality control, and it involves checking the reliability of received data.

Escape Sequence - This is a sequence of characters that is meant to be read as an escape mand.

Exit - To terminate or log-off from a program.

Export - To move data from one program out to another (and convert it if necessary). This is the opposite of import.


n - (1) This is an additional telephone that is connected to one line, or (2) The second part of a filename, signifying the type of file it is (i.e., with which program you should view the data).

External Modem - This is a modem that is located outside of the puter and connected to it with wires.


E-1 - The European equivalent of a T-1.

E911 Taxes/Surcharges - This tax is set and imposed by local governments to help pay for the cost of an emergency response munications system that identifies both the caller and the location of the call.

EAS - Extended Area Service. Customers usually pay a larger flat rate to increase their local calling area if an area gets EAS. It can decrease a customer's monthly bill if the customer makes a certain number of calls to the expanded area.

E-mail - Electronic mail - A system that allows the sending and receiving of messages through a puter.

E-mail Address - A puter mailing address to which electronic mail is sent.

Encryption - A way of making transmitted data, such as e-mails, unreadable to everyone except the receiver. If the data is intercepted by anyone as it trels over a work, it cannot be read. Only those persons that he the right type of decoding software can unscramble the message. Encryption is used to protect e-merce and financial transactions such as those on TDS ePay.

Ether - A work link that can transmit approximately 10,000,000 bits per second.

Exchange - A geographic area established by a telephone pany for specifying the local telephone service area.

E also, exchange message interface

End Office (EO)

EO is a LEC (BOC or an ITC) switching system within a LATA where local loops to customer stations are terminated for purposes of interconnection with each other and with trunks. CO (central office) and EO are often used interchangeably.

Entrance Facilities

1. in a premises distribution system, the point of interconnection be tween the building wiring system and external telemunications facilities (LEC works, other buildings, etc.). Bellcore defines the interface with LEC works as end-user points of termination (POT). 2. has a further specific meaning in interstate access, entrance facilities for interstate access (ENFIA).


end office


enhanced private switched munications service

Equipment Room

In a premises distribution system, an equipment room is a special purpose room(s), with access to the backbone wiring, for housing elemunications, data processing, security, and alarm equipment.


An erlang is an international dimensions unit of the erage traffic intensity of a facility during a period of time; one erlang of traffic is equivalent to a single user who uses a single resource 100% of the time. See centicall seconds.


extended superframe


electronic switched work

Exchange Carrier (or local exchange carrier LEC)

An exchange carrier is any pany, BOC or independent which provides intra-LATA telemunications within its franchised area.

Extended Superframe Format (ESF)

ESF is an extension of the superframe format of T1 carrier systems from 12 to 24 frames and the use of framing bits for error checking, a facilities data link (FDL) as well as frame synchronization. See superframe format.



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