

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


I prefer evening because it’s cooler.


A It’s so hot in the daytime.

A 白天天真热。

B Yes, and there’s a lot of traffic pollution. It’s not so nice.

B 是的,交通污染很严重。很不好。

A It’s always the same with big cities. Too many cars.

A 大城市都这样。汽车太多。

B I prefer evening because it’s cooler.

B 我更喜欢傍晚因为比较凉爽。

A After the rush hour and a long hot day, it’s better then.

A 繁忙炎热的漫长一天过去了,那时要好很多。

Notes 注释

1 If you want to talk about the traffic conditions, you can say There’s a lot of traffic pollution./ There’s a lot of traffic pollution; There are too many cars./ There are too many cars.

如果你想谈论交通情况,可以说:There’s a lot of traffic pollution./交通污染很严重; There are too many cars./ 汽车太多了。

2 Remember to pare things you use the parative form of the adjective, e.g. It’s cooler in the evenings. / It’s cooler in the evenings; It’s better then. / It’s better then.

记住比较事物时用形容词的比较级,例如:It’s cooler in the evenings./ 傍晚的时候要凉爽一些; It’s better then./ 那时候要好一些。

Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

It’s so hot in the daytime. 白天天真热。

Yes, and there’s a lot of traffic pollution. It’s not so nice. 是的,交通污染很严重。很不好。

It’s always the same with big cities. Too many cars. 大城市都这样。汽车太多。

I prefer evening because it’s cooler. 我更喜欢傍晚因为比较凉爽。

After the rush hour and a long hot day, it’s better then. 繁忙炎热的漫长一天过去了,那时要好很多。
