

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中国最牛逼的公路行业大学是哪所]业内的公路黄浦--长安大学直属国家教育部,是教育部和交通运输部、国土资源部、住房和城乡建设部、陕西省人民政府共建的国家"211工程"重点建设大学,是国家 "985工程"优势学科创新...+阅读

1. Thank you for your letter of 2nd Sept. We are glad to tell you that the good you enquired for is in the line of our business.感谢您九月二号的询价涵,我方很高兴地告知贵方您所询问的货品在我方的经营范围内.2. That business concern you enquired about is the most reliable importer in our district which has been enjoying integrity in the line for many years.有关您所询问的业务商,是我地区最可信赖的进口商,多年来一直享有诚信美誉3. .We have received your enquiry of 14th May informing us of your interest in our hand-made gloves in synthetic leather. Now, we are enclosing the detailed information required by you as well as the illustrated catalogue and price list.我方已收到贵方五月十四日关于我方手工合成革手套的询价涵,我方现随涵附上贵方要求的具体细项及附图商品目录和报价单.4. .Enclosed is our proforma-invoice NO.3419 in duplicate covering 500 sets of Forever bikes for Oct. shipment. Here, we want to state that this proforma invoice is valid until 1st Sept.随涵附上我方关于将于十月装船的500套永久牌自行车的形式发票,一式两份,发票号:第3419号,在此,我方提请贵方此发票有效期至九月一日.5. 1.We confirm having cabled you the firm offer for the the good as follows which is subject to your acceptance reaching us before 20th Sept.我方确认已以电报方式给贵方就下列商品发实盘,以贵方九月二十日前报达我方的接收发盘为准.


1.您被授权利用银行融资,在新加坡的数额不得超过10万美元2.如果一方或另一方将不得不支付他的外汇风险,他们都将诉诸于同类金融中介机构提供的同类产品3.在文件中银行承诺在一定时间跨度内的指定商品的付款。4.If the evidence provided in the shipment during the non-vessel can be installed, each consignment of goods to be make separate documents, including drafts and bills of lading and so on.5.Shipment of the goods in two batches. Roughly equal the value of the each shipment.6.Negotiation should be deducted from the amount as a 5 percent commission paid to A Party. Negotiating bank commission should fill in the amount of bank negotiation notice.看看行不~


Dear XX

Have a nice day!

We have received your sample picture. And our MOQ is 200 pieces. The totla price of 200 pieces is 1000$, thats the average price per item is 5$, not including the freight charge.

If you want to buy only 50 pieces, you should pay the mold fee40$.

However, we sincerely wish to cooperate with you, so the mold fee is free for you. But, we need your help for purchasing our 50 new brand product.

How do you think about that?

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Thanks and best regards



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