

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[七年级期中考试语文阅读短文]二、现代文阅读(30分) 1l、树干和树根被隔开; 经常会被修剪; 被污染;被砍伐; 被移动到新地方、原先的枝条要被全部砍掉; 被撞断。 (评分:共5点。答对一点得1分, 全对得4 分。) 12、①对...+阅读








笔试部分(85分) 二.根据句意写单词(10分) 1. Your father's father is your g______. 2. Jenny is my pen f______. 3. I don't have a tennis r______. 4. let's play v_____. 5. He doesn't play sports, he only w_____ them on TV. 6. —Let's play soccer. —That sounds I_______. 7.I don't like math. It's d______. 8.My father and mother are my p_______. 9.We should eat lots of v_______. 10.She eats lots of h_______ food every day. 三.选择题。(15分) ( )1.______!Is he your teache A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Ok D.See ( )2.Mr Green _____ two children. A.doesn't have B.have C.doesn't has D.don't have ( )3.My sister Sue ____ a new coat,but I _____ A.has, don't B.have, doesn't C.doesn't have ,don't D.don't have, does ( )4.Let's ______ A.to play ping-pong B.playing ping-pong C.play the ping-pong D.play ping-pong ( )5.How old is ____mother? A.Kay B.Kay's C.she D.he 6your dresser is nice. —_______. A.Ok B.Yes,it is. C.Thank you. D. No, it isn't. ( )7.I have ___uncle. A.an B.a C. the D. \ ( )8.— Do they have a computer? --_______ A. No, they haven't B. No, they aren't C. No, they do D. No, they don't ( )9.Tom and Peter ____fruit very much. A。likes B.eat C.like D.eats ( )10.There ___some books ,a pencil case and a pen in his desk. A.is B.have C.are D.don't have ( )11._____ your bag in the desk? A. Do B. Is C.Are D.Does ( )12.—Are ___you teachers? - -Yes \, they are. A.this B.that C.the D.these ( )13.—Is that your family photo? --_____. A.Yes, they are B.Yes, he is C.Yes, that is D.Yes, it is ( )14.—Are those maps? --Yes ,______ A.those are B.they are C.they're D.these are ( )15.—Where is my football? --It's ___the table ____the floor. A.on, under B.on ,on C.under, under D.under,on 四.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.There are some _____(watch) over there. 2.My brother ___(play)volleyball every day.. 3.____(she) family name is Bush. 4. Bruce ____ (not eat) oranges. 5. Let ____(we) watch TV. 五.句型转换。(5分) 1.C-A-S-E, case.(划线部分提问) ________________________________ 2.They are on the dresser.(变一般疑问句并) 作否定回答) ———————————————————— 3.The soccer ball is under the desk. (划线部分提问) _______________________________ 4.This is a tomato. (变复数形式) ____________________________ 5.He has two brothers.

(一般否定句,并作否定回答) _______________________ 六.补全对话,每空一词。(10分) Bill:What do you like to eat,Sandra? Sandra:Well,I like salad,but I 1 like broccoli. Bill:And your brother and sister? What do 2 like to 3 ? Sandra:My 4 likes bananas and oranges,but he 5 like hamburgers. My 6 likes carrots. She 7 vegetables. We like lots of 8 food. Bill:And I really (真的) 9 ice cream.C you like ice cream, Sandra? Sandra: Yes, I do. 1._______ 2________3_______4_______5_________ 6________7________8_______9_______10_________ 七.完型填空。(每空1分,共10分) Do you know the girl? She is 1 good friend. She is 2 English girl. 3 name is Lucy. 4 twelve. My 5 is Fangfang. 6 a Chinese girl.I'm fourteen. Lucy 7 a small sports collection. She has 8 tennis racket,three basketballs,and four soccers, but I only have 9 baseball. Lucy and I 10 sports every day. 1.A.I B. you C .me D. my 2.A.a B. an C. the D./ 3.A.His B. he C. Her D. Her's 4.A. She B. She's C. Her D. His 5.A.name B. book C. friend D. bag 6.A.I B. I'm C. She D. She's 7.A.have B. has C. doesn't have D. doesn't has 8.A.one B. five C. three D. four 9.A.a B. two C. three D. four 10.A.plays B play C. playing D. to play 八.阅读理解(20分)

(一) 如果是你,你想玩电脑还是打网球? Mila: Let's play computer games. Ella: That sounds like fun. Where's your computer ? Mila: I don't have a computer. Do you have a computer? Ella: No, I don't. But I have a TV. Let's watch TV. Mila: No, that sounds boring.Let's play tennis. I have a tennis racket. Ella: Good,. Where is it? Mila: On the sofa. Do you have a racket? Ella: No, I don't. Does your brother have a racket? Mila; Yes, he does. And he has tennis ball. 第4页 ( )1.—Does Mila have a computer? --___________. A.She has two computers. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn't. ( )2.—Does Ella have a TV? --___________. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn't. C.Yes, she is. ( )3.—Does Ella have a tennis racket? --__________. A.Yes, she does. B.She has two tennis rackets. C.No, she doesn't. ( )4.—Does Mila have a tennis racket? --___________. A.She has two tennis rackets. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn't. ( )5.—Does Mila's brother have a tennis rackets? --___________. A. He doesn...









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