

03月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮忙写一份年终总结]公司前台文员工作总结 在这岁末之际, 从去年开始担任管理部前台文员以来,工作认真负责,任劳任怨,在这岁末之际将去年的工作情况总结如下: 1、认真负责的完成了文员的例行工作,具体...+阅读

Hi Teacher Chen,

How are you?I hope you doing well.

Just not long ago,I fell in love with a girl in my class,I know it is not the right time to do this,I should have prepared college entrance examination instead of in love with a girl.But I can't help myself.Can you please give me some advice?Thank you.

Best Regards,

Your student ABC






Dear wangxiaomen: Thank you for your continued help,without which,I can't do well in my English study. It's universally acknowledged that you're a experienced teacher,who can make each class lovely and interesting by telling stories,singing a song and even playing some games.We are always deeply attracted in it and step foward day by day. The twentieth Teacher's Day is coming,I wish you happy and success in everything . yours Kate


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