

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[生日party策划方案!急!急!急!急!急!]让酒店布置好了~4星以上的酒店大多都会有这种design的服务的~~ 另外我找了几个,供参考: 1.效仿一下明星舞会 铺上红毯 盛装出席 门口签名。 唱歌跳舞是必须的 让你朋友准备个...+阅读

Dear friends:

Received your letter, I am honored to be. Your generosity and generous, gave me the opportunity to attend the party. You let me feel the sunshine tender friendship, heartfelt thank you. Friendship is our grief when eased agent, the passion of shujie agent, is our pressure flow discharge mouth, we disasters shelter, is our hesitates when the deliberations of the brain, is our fresh agent, we thought radiation of mouth, and we thought of exercise and improvement.

My friend, a toast to our friendship. I will attend the party, and prepared for this. Again, sincere thanks for the invitation.

Dear Sharon,

Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your home. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your good friends. I had a wonderful time at your home. Now I have resumed our work.

Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to my home and give me a chance to let my friends know you.

Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,



Dear ***(你没有说他的名字), Many thanks for your inviting me to your birthday party! I enjoyed myself a lot that night. I'm happy to know so many new friends and more about different alien cultures, which was of great benefit to me. And the dishes were very delicious as well. Thank you again for letting me have the chance to have such a good experience. I feel greatly honoured. Yours sincerely, Wang Lei


Dear Jenny,

Thank you for looking after my mother when she was ill.You take care of my mother more carefully than me.You cooked to my mother and helped my mother washed face.You also talked to my mother everyday,and read newspapers for her.I really thanks you very much.I'm so happy because I have a best friend like you.Anyway,I hope you can be beter and better in the future and I am your the closest friend forever.




Dear Sir/Madam Hope you had a good flight back. Thank you so much for your coming to the conference and we hope that you enjoyed your staying here in China. Your coming have brought us some profound thoughts to make better change in our company. We are looking forward to having further opportunities to meet you and learn from you. Yours faithfully (你的签名)


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