

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语句子的构成像宾语谓语的不及物动词和及物动词。]英语句子结构有五种(主谓,主谓宾,主系表,主谓宾宾和主谓宾宾补) 主谓:I study. 主谓宾:I like banana. 主系表:I am a student. 主谓双宾:I give a pencil to him. 主谓复合宾语:I mak...+阅读

credit ['kredit] n. 1. 信任,信用;相信 2. 赞扬,荣誉,信誉,声望 3. 为…增光的人(或物) 4. 姓名表或致谢名单(指使用别人的作品或资料时,对原作者或其他有贡献的人致谢的名单);(电影或电视片等的)片头或片尾字幕,摄制人员名单 5. 【教育】学分;及格证 6. 信贷;赊销,赊欠 7. 赊欠期限 8. (个人银行存款)账面余额,贷方余额;债权 9. 【会计学】贷,贷方;贷方金额 10. 存款;可取之款 vt. 1. 相信;信赖: 例句: I didn't credit that absurd tale. 我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。

2. 归因于;归功于: 例句: Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph. 留声机的发明应归功于爱迪生。 They credited the defeat to poor planning. 他们把失败归咎于计划不周。 3. 【会计学】把…记入贷方,记在…的账上: 例句: The bank has credited £500 to his account. 银行把收到的500英镑记到他的账上。 4. 给(学生)记学分(或学时): 例句: They credited me with three hours in history. 他们给了我三小时历史课的学分。

近义词: ascribe . 短语 1. add to someone's credit增添某人的光彩 2. be a credit to是…的光荣 3. be bare of credit a. 不讲信用 b. 名声不好 4. give someone credit for a. 为某人提供(若干)信用贷款 b. 为…称赞某人;把…归功于某人 c. 认为某人有(某种能力或优点) 5. have credit with得到…的信任 6. lose credit with失去…的信任 7. on credit赊账;赊(购) 8. to someone's credit a. 记入某人账户的贷方 b. 为某人带来荣誉 credit ['kredit] n. 1. approval 例句: he was given credit for his workgive her credit for tryingthe credits were given at the end of the film 2. money available for a client to borrow 3. an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items 4. used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise 例句: she already had several performances to her credit 5. arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services 6. recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours 7. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage 8. an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work v. 1. give someone credit for something 例句: We credited her for saving our jobs 2. give credit for 例句: She was not properly credited in the program 3. accounting: enter as credit 例句: We credit your account with $100 4. have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of 以上来源于: WordNet 例句与用法 I didn't credit that absurd tale. 我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。

《21世纪大英汉词典》 Can I pay with my Credit Card? 我可以用我的信用卡付款吗? We insist on the letter of credit. 我们坚持用信用证方式付款。 accredit [ə'kredit] vt. 1. 委托,信托: 例句: The premier accredited Mr. Bush as his representative. 总理委托布什先生作为他的代表。 2. 委任,委派,派遣,派出(使节),授权任命(大使等);给…委任状(at, to): 例句: Our envoy was accredited to the new government. 我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。

to accredit an envoy 派遣(外交)使节 3. 相信,信以为真,信赖;认为…属实;认可,确认: 例句: We accredited what he said. 我们相信他所说的话。 4. 确认(或证明)…达到(某规定的)标准,鉴定…为合格: 例句: Colleges may be accredited by regional associations. 学院是否合格可由地区各协会作出鉴定。 5. 把…归结于,把…归因于,把…归咎于(to): 例句: an action accredited to her 认为是她所为 an invention accredited to Edison 一项被认为是爱迪生的发明 6. 认为…具有(某种特点或资格等),认为…属于(with): 例句: They all accredited him with the authorship of this book. 他们都认为他是这本书的作者。

She was accredited with having said it. 她被认为说过此话。 7. 褒奖;称赞,赞许;称(某人)有;誉(某人)为 8. [新西兰英语](不经考试)推荐保送(学生)(直接升入大学): 例句: an accrediting school 有权保送学生直接升入大学的学校 近义词: authorize . accredit [ə'kredit] v. 1. grant credentials to 2. provide or send (envoys or embassadors) with official credentials 3. give credit for 以上来源于: WordNet 例句与用法 The premier accredited Mr. Bush as his representative. 总理委托布什先生作为他的代表。

《21世纪大英汉词典》 For instance Hangzhou has 4 ambry brand to have the accredit book of company love case about. 比如杭州大约有4个橱柜品牌拥有爱格公司的授权书。 Objective To carry out laboratory result mutual accredit can improve the accuracy and comparability of clinical analysis results, and achieve clinical analysis standardization. 目的通过开展实验室结果互认,提高检验结果的准确性和可比性,实现临床检验标准化,减轻患者负担。


高中英语句子成分与语法主语谓语什么的和名词及物及物动词等分动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 英语动词是句子的核心。它既决定着句子意思的...

意大利语中什么是及物动词什么是不及物动词你好,希望我来得不晚。 首先来解释一下,什么是及物动词什么是不及物动词。 汉语中,“及物”的意思是后面接宾语。因此顾名思义,如果一个动词后面可以直接加宾语,则是及物动词,否则...

及物动词有哪些不及物动词又有哪些及物动词有: 1、see vt.看见;查看;领会,理解;参观。 n.主教教区;主教权限;牧座。 2、watch vt.注视,注意;看守,监视;守候(机会等);密切注意。 n.表;值夜,值班;看守,监视;值班人员。 3、eat vt.(...

求高中英语及物和不及物动词大全常见的及物:give,see,like、、、可直接跟宾语的就是了。。。 常见的不及物动词有:appear, apologize, arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise 动词及物与...

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谁能用最通俗的语言解释下俄语中的及物动词和非及物动词俄语动词可以分为及物动词和不及物动词两类。 VY/r2o# 1. 及物动词表示直接及于客体的动作。客体用不带前置词的第四个表示。例如: M0m%S:2 — Директор встре...

问下ask做及物动词时候和ask for有什么区别ask v.(动词) asked, ask.ing, asks v.tr.(及物动词) To put a question to. 询问 To seek an answer to: 对…提问: ask a question. 题 To seek information about: 问有关…的...

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