
take after look after有什么区别

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Taking and Passing MessagesII]Mr Kola rings back to dictate Melita's reference to Opal over the telephone. It is a report on Melita's work, attendance, punctuality and character. It is also a...+阅读

take after与look after区别 take after相像look after照顾 take after模仿 look after照料 take afterd在长相或性格上)象某人(尤指象父母或某亲属): Your daughter takes after you。 look after : 照顾,照看,保管,关心 You must look after your sister。 You must look after your health。 take after 1。像。。。一样 2。 效仿,学。。。的榜样 3。追赶, 追捕=take off after=take out after 第三种用法在口语较多 例: The cops take after your bro。 警察在追捕你老弟。 look after 1。 照料,关照 2。目送 3。办理, 处理 例: 1。 He should look after himself 他该自己照护自己 2。I was looking after him when he left my house。 我一直目送他走出我的房子 3。 I'm worrying about it。 Don't worry, I'll look after。 我在担心这件事 别担心, 我会处理的。


Taking and Passing MessagesIIITaking and Passing Messages(III)Melita has started her new job as a junior secretary at Modern Office Limited. Part of Opal's work is now to train Melita in her...

Taking and Passing MessagesIVLast time Mrs Ballito rang up Mr Ballito, but he wasn' t there. Opal had to take a message. She knew that Mr Ballito was at the Dorigali Development Corporation,...

中考英语必备与“take”有关的短语1. take an underground 乘地铁2. take a message for sb. 给某人捎个口信3. take a shower 淋浴、洗澡4. take a ride 兜风5. take / show an interest in 对…感兴趣...

CET高频词—出现二十三次的短语taketake搭 配:take after 与…相象take apart 拆开(机器等)take…as 把…理解为take away 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去take down 取下;记下;拆卸take for 认为,以为;误认为take on...

It Takes a Special Man toIt Takes a Special Man to With Father's Day ing up, it's occurred to me that this country is missing a holiday, Stepfather's Day. If anyone deserves a special d...

Taking and Passing MessagesIToday Mr Ballito telephones Mr Kola at the National Bank. He want,? Mr Kola to give Melita a reference. Mr Kola can't tell him everything immediately. He'll he to...

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take it easy什么意思take it easy不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等They do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get paid. They workreally hard because they want to impress...

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