

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语情景生活中对话短文]Foreign Flicks 外国电影Goron: When I want to look something like moreoriginal, I started to watch some Korean movies orIndian movies from Bollywood, which are...+阅读

Emily: Hello, this is Emily speaking.


Cathy: Hi, Emily, this is Cathy.


Emily: Cathy, how's everything going?


Cathy: Not so good. I want to talk with you about my job.


Emily: Your job? Is there anything wrong with it?


Cathy: No, it's my own problem. You know, I've worked as a receptionist for a whole year. To some extent, I am tired of it.


Emily: Oh, I see. I know being a receptionist is not that exciting for you.



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